Asthma: researchers find the origin of the problem


The absence of a molecule in the body would be related to the onset of asthma. Discovery gives hope to new treatments


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The absence of Blimp-1 molecule is at the origin of Asthma, according to a study (Photo Despite the countless options available at the pharmacy, the treatment of asthma remains based solely on the control of symptoms, such as coughing and shortness of breath. of remedies at the root of the problem is due to a lack of detailed knowledge of what is happening in detail in the lungs.

The good news is that science has gone a little further in this direction: The Research Center on inflammatory diseases of the Foundation for the Support of Research of the State of São Paulo (FAPESP) found that the lack of a molecule known as Blimp-1 is a key factor in the collapse of the airways [19659010] "This opens the perspective to interfere directly in allergic conditions by means of a vaccine or a drug, "says immunologist João Santana da Silva, director of research, conducted on human cells in laboratory and guinea pigs

. The next step will be to develop drugs that are compatible with this process.

What are the current options

Bronchodilator: widens the bronchial gauge the tubes through which oxygen pbades. In asthma, they close chronically.

The antihistamine: acts against inflammation in the context of various allergic processes. Reduces redness, itching and runny nose

Corticosteroid: relieves inflammation and suppresses certain cells of the immune system, which work in an exaggerated manner.

HOME FACILITIES: The elimination of carpets, stuffed animals and curtains and the cleanliness of premises help to control respiratory crises.

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AllergiesAsthmaRespiratory TreatmentsHealth Treatments

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