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Sleeping less than six hours is bad for your health and it's not really new. A recent study concluded that poor or poor sleep contributes to the formation of plaques not only in the arteries but in the veins of the entire body.
Short nights or poor sleep are related to the appearance of plaques. in the arteries at the origin of cardiovascular diseases. However, a study recently published in the American College of Cardiology shows for the first time that this effect is not exclusive to the arteries.
According to scientists, the effect covers not only the arteries, but also the network. increasing the risk of circulatory diseases of strokes, digestive problems and cardiovascular disease.
"This is the first study that objectively shows that sleep time is badociated with atherosclerosis [espessamento interno das veias devido à formação de placas] throughout the body," said the research coordinator, José Ordovás University of Tufts in the United States.
According to the Diário de Notícias, the study badyzed four thousand people, with an average age of 46 years and no history of heart disease.
The researchers equipped the participants with a device recording the quality of sleep and they measured the number of hours of sleep each night, the number of awakenings and the changes between the different phases of sleep [19659004] After badyzing all these data, the scientists divided the participants into four groups, according to duration of your sleep period – less than six hours; seven to eight hours and over eight hours – and all performed heart and computed tomography scans at the beginning and end of the study for comparison purposes.
With all these data obtained and badyzed, the team of researchers concluded that participants who slept less than six hours per night were 27% more likely to develop atherosclerosis in the veins of the body than those who slept eight hours a night
. The widespread damage to health caused by poor or poor sleep causes sufficient reason to pay attention to this problem. Now, the new study adds another.
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