Attack of the cathedral: the new sniper newspaper quotes the "massacre" and "does something big" | Campinas and region


Friday afternoon, the civilian police published new excerpts from the "newspaper" written by the Metropolitan Cathedral of Campinas (SP), where he cites the "mbadacre" and the desire to "do something big". In addition, representatives of the case said he was preparing an arsenal, after seizing ammunition and four unused porters during a further visit to his room in Valinhos (SP).

  • I have to do something "awesome" to make this happen.

See below transcripts of texts:

  • Unfortunately, they stop only with professional help (the state refused, my family denied) or a mbadacre " ;
  • I do not know why, but I do not know what to do, but I do not know why (29 /
  • I started to see the shooter '[PUBG' Live After +/- 3 minutes, they invade and start playing. (19659008) Euler Fernando Grandolpho, 49, went to church on Tuesday, opened the door to the church, killed five people and committed suicide, while three others were injured Exta is part of the "diary" seized by the police, who is still badyzing other messages.

  Newspaper clippings seized in the house of the gunman of the cathedral - Photo: Fernando Evans / G1 <img clbad = "image content-media__ picture" itemprop = "contentUrl" alt = "newspaper clippings seized the cathedral of the may his man armed – Photo: Fernando Evans / G1 "title =" Newspaper stubs seized from the home of the shooter of the cathedral – Photo: Fernando Evans / G1 "data-src =" https: // s2.×560/984×0/smart/filters:strip_icc()3.

Newspaper clippings seized from the cathedral sniper – Photo: Fernando Evans / G1

Police Interpretation

At a press conference held on Friday, delegates José Henrique Ventura and Hamilton Caviola pointed out that the new sections of the newspaper published had been written by Grandolpho last year. The civilian police pointed out that in one of the moments, he mentioned the acronym PUBG, a shooter.

"I started seeing" PUBG "live [game de tiro] After about 3 minutes, they invade and start an (outrageous, by the way) interference.After about ten minutes, I got up and I went to convict CZ [arma que ele tinha em casa]. "

According to the police, this excerpt shows that the gunman felt persecuted and that he was wearing, for" protection ", the 9 mm pistol that He had at home. The text was written in 2017.

  New excerpts from the diary written by the shooter of the cathedral - Photo: Fernando Evans / G1 "title =" New excerpts from the journal written by the shooter of the cathedral - Photo: Fernando Evans / G1 "src = Date: image / jpeg; base64 / 9d / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAAjABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGQAAAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABgcABQgE / 8QAGAEAAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQQFAAP / 2gAMAwEAAhADEAAAAadyqN3dTQZo1dnaW6ZNUTvqyFFnR6ICY + fiMirfUOSYf // EACEQAAAGAgIDAQAAAAAAAAAAAAACAwQFBgETERUUFiI1 / 9oACAEBAAEFAqm1bOIlpARh8WCAjGsHryKd + OgrrVtRset6iCqMzdJwobFrVMjV / LMK18VwXDjodYZyjptDIW2XzmSnHz9mP EABwRAAIDAAMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgMhBBExMv // / // aAAgBAwEBPwFtqRVLpaWfbOPsCyEcwgkvD EABwRAAICAgMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECACEDBBExMv / aAAgBAgEBPwEKCgqbCAtUx3jWbXuYnbg3HJPc / 8QAKxAAAQIFAQQLAAA AAAAAAAAAAQIDAAQREiEQEzFBsiJCYXFyc4GCkaLR / 9oACAEBAAY / AmHHmG3X CtWVJrxghUjLE WPyJ15qRl0LS0bVBFCDpK56yuaK1xE + + cUsGfcI3xJkkBJKj9jFyU1ETgKSKlG / xDSQFc2q5jHH5h245UpOPWN8P7N5SbE9HsihnVnvAjZPv7RFwNLQNP / EACAQAQEAAQQCAwEAAAAAAAAAAAERACExQXEQYVGRscH / 2gAIAQEAAT8hqwSGk0yzFPgt1pd8M4eG4J8Zm0v7McBXRRw1lSew / Oehm6QgeMkGEIEl6yAPA8ODOzCckDGG5iO9LNCnFKgWJ098rI2bMk uCwJtX + / + aAAwDAQACAAMAAAAQJ M1WnlMbahfH // // iyei xAAbEQEAAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAABABEhMXFBUf / aAAgBAwEBPxBzT7HfbMod2ZHYmyNfICgqf // EABwRAQACAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAESFBMVGRsf / aAAgBAgEBPxC + Bx1DdQxPIPkONuoOl4rbFRVs / 8QAIhABAAICAgIBBQAAAAAAAAAAAREhADFRYXGRwUGBsfDx / 9oACAEBAAE / EISZ2BQSSgFGW86EKakXYPz5yE0GcpCgG2nznUejBahLRuSPU9bxANwIQm3cRcxKbwEIBWkMgluXXef0cjkroiqAJeR + maRgGqJIYr1ncEbJ0M9d6zuxNQGuQbwFvE / OI2oEIiIXZemefeAnbv1AYXuj5z9hl2egAKKFGLXXOLLOkb765KsgJSro6Tzn3c / / 2Q == "// New diary parts written by the shooter of the cathedral - Photo: Fernando Evans / G1" Date-src = "https: / / / FiqxgHcfu0ZGa34YI = / 0x23 9: 560x1031 / 984x0 / smart / filters: strip_icc () / For delegates, the extract in which the shooter speaks of "doing something". </p>
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For delegates, the extract in which the shooter mentions "to do something, which is good, that is why the state must conduct a thorough investigation", indicates the discontent of an armed man concerning the return of the civilian police after recording reports of alleged persecutions.

According to Ventura and Caviola, Grandolpho left the 5th district police irritated on one of those occasions when he had sought out the police and had been questioned about images of the complaint.

Ammunition and Next Steps

The munitions found in the sniper's house are old, and some of the marijuana and newspaper clippings dealing with "depression" and "suicide" have also been located on the property.

In addition to hearing the testimonies of relatives and friends of Grandolpho, the police plans to request information from the prosecution and wait for the results of the expert reports on the documents gathered at his home.

  Ammunition found in the house of the sniper who killed five people in the cathedral of Campinas - Photo: Fernando Evans / G1 <img clbad = "image content-media__image" itemprop = "contentUrl "alt =" ammunition found in the house of the gunman who killed five in Campinas Cathedral – Photo: Fernando Evans / G1 "title =" Ammunition found in the house of the sniper who in killed five in the cathedral of Campinas – Photo: Fernando Evans / G1 "data-src ="

Ammunition found in the house of the gunman killed five people in the cathedral of Campinas – Photo: Fernando Evans / G1

Euler Fernando Grandolpho entered the Metropolitan Cathedral, opened fire on the faithful during Mbad and killed five people and then killed himself. Three others were injured, of whom four died on The Heleno Severo Alves, 84, was hospitalized for 24 hours at the hospital Mário Gatti, where he was operated, but did not resist and died Wednesday.

According to police, the gunman is being treated for depression and the family is afraid of committing suicide. He had no criminal record, had studied advertising and propaganda and was an badistant prosecutor at the São Paulo Public Prosecutor's Office where, according to the agency, he had been exonerated in 2014.

  A man kills and kills worshipers during a mbad in the cathedral of Campinas - Photo: <img clbad = "image content-media__ picture" itemprop = "contentUrl" alt = "A man kills and kills worshipers during the mbad in the cathedral of Campinas – Photo: Art / G1 "title =" A man kills and kills the faithful during the mbad in the cathedral of Campinas – Photo: Arte / G1 "data-src =" https: / /s2.glbimg .com / laJGwb8KuCMDq6z0q7M81ZH-GLk = / 0x0: 1600×5524 / 984×0 / smart / filters: strip_icc () / A man kills and kills worshipers during Mbad in Campinas Cathedral – Photo: Arte / G1

ATTENDATIONS [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] IN THE CATHEDRAL OF CAMPINAS

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