Audio Startup uses directional sound and cameras to make your headphones obsolete


The earphones you use and you know these days can become old technology and become obsolete in the years to come. At least that's what the Israeli start-up Noveto, who worked on audio devices with directional sound and cameras so that the user can hear the sound even without anything attached to their ears.

It was highlighted by the investment of companies such as Dell and the support of Noveto's CEO, Brian Wallace, who allowed Magic Leap to get $ 1.4 billion.

The device looks like a traditional sound bar, but it uses two cameras to create a 3D model of the user's face and identify the ear region to send him the # 39, directional audio. In this way, only the person can listen to the audio without interrupting or disturbing those who surround him.

The CEO of the company believes that Noveto can offer better sound quality than the most popular headphones that are on sale in the market today. When asked if the company was considering replacing a public address system like the hometheaters, Wallace said no, that the new technology could replace at least 80% of what exists, says the CEO.

To implement the technology in fixed systems such as PC monitors, Noveto has to face the fact that people use headphones every day when they go to work, college or the same day. school with their smartphones,

The company must cross the barrier of mobility, but for now the idea of ​​setting up a directional sound system is very well accepted by all those who have tested the technology. It remains to predict what will be the future of headphones when Noveto will start sales of the model, which can reach the market at the end of 2019 .

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