Bachelor and couple trained in BBB18, Breno and Paula get married in Rio de Janeiro; Check out – Spotlight TV


The night of Saturday, June 30 was a party for Breno and Paula, former participants of the 18th edition of Big Brother in Brazil. The couple graduated from the reality show Globo decided to get married by surprise.

Breno and Paula entered the room and were married during the Arraiá Solidario to Prol of the Child Support Home with Cancer Santa Teresa. In addition to two, two other former BBBs were at the event.

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It is good to remember that this edition of reality ended up forming another couple. Gleici and Wagner are still together and barely separated. Since Breno and Paula have been dating officially since the end of the program, when Goiás made the request to the beloved during a radio broadcast

Ex-BBBs Breno, Paula, Jessica and Kaysar
Breno [18459011]

The 18th edition of Big Brother Brazil was responsible for the union of at least two couples. The champion Gleici Damasceno and the plastic artist Wagner Santiago, as well as Breno and Paula.

While Gleici and Wagner are in Rio de Janeiro, Breno takes the opportunity to take Paula to his homeland in Góias. The former BBB met the family of the architect and spent time with him. The pigeons take refuge in the city of Pirenópolis, inside the state.

Breno and Paula took some pictures in the hotel pool that are staying there. It is worth remembering that during his participation in the Radio program, the architect surprised the business woman to ask him to make himself known.


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