The Minister Marco Aurélio Mello, of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), announced that he would sign the decision to suspend the investigation against Fabrício Queiroz, former driver of Flávio Bolsonaro, the first working day of this year. On Andreia Sadi's blog, the minister said that the STF could not give "one of the studs a horseshoe" and denied any follow-up action of this nature "referring to garbage ". "It's not an anticipation of decision, it's only consistent with what I've done so far," he added.
STF Vice President Luiz Fux suspended investigations by the Rio de Janeiro Public Prosecutor's Office (MP-RJ) against Queiroz for atypical financial transactions detected by the Financial Activities Supervisory Board (Coaf) . Flávio Bolsonaro invoked the principle of the privileged instance before the Supreme Court to suspend investigations, without being the target of the MP. Flávio Bolsonaro also asked the Supreme Court to strike down the evidence already collected by the MP. Fux has suspended the investigation until the reporter, Marco Aurélio, decides the destination of the action.
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