"BBB" 19: vote in Alan, Diego and Isabella moves the poll


"BBB" 19 vote Poll: On 10/02, Paula used the power of the Angel and immunized Hariany. Leaders Danrley and Elana reported Diego and Isabella to the breakwater. During the vote in the House, Hariany, Carolina and Paula voted for Alan. Diego and Maycon voted for Rodrigo. Isabella voted for Elana. Alan voted for Carolina. Tereza voted for Rízia, who voted for Tereza. Rodrigo and Gabriela voted for Maycon. The vote takes place until the live program "BBB" of Tuesday 12/02. Who should leave the "BBB" 19?

If you do not see the poll, click on the link – "BBB" 19: vote for Alan, Diego and Isabella organize the vote.

Daily "BBB" 19
Poll "BBB" 19: who deserves the program
"BBB" 19: Evidence of the Angel and the punishment of the monster

The official vote takes place on the website of the program


] Alan – a businessman and administrator, and his brother, of Criciúma (SC), is 26 years old and is considered a runner of petticoats by the family.
Carolina – Bahia is 33 years old, she is an advertising and entrepreneur. Her amulet must give "hello" to the sun.
Danrley – younger brother of the edition. Rio, 19, is studying biology and selling ice lollypops on the beach at weekends.
Diego – Businessman, champion of Brazilian lace and aged 30, he enters the house. It is Rio Negrinho, Santa Catarina.
Elana is 25 years old. She is agronomist and lives in the hinterland of Piauí. Her first shower took place at the age of six.
Gabriela – at 32, her sister lives in Ribeirão Preto and is a graphic designer and percussionist.
Hariany – lives in Senador Canedo, Goiás, is 21 years old, studying fashion design and dreaming of becoming famous. Beyoncé is a fan of Beyoncé and imitated the Spice Girls of her childhood.
Isabella – at age 24, her sister is from Natal / RN and lived until the age of seven in Italy. It was Miss Natal 2014.
Maycon – comes from Piumhi (MG) and is 27 years old. Seller of cheese and bartenders, Brother wants to become a singer. He has already attended 12 times.
Paula, a law graduate, is 28 years old and is from Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais. The sister owns a sow, Pippa.
Rízia – 24 years old. Alagoana, from São Miguel dos Campos, is fighting for social problems. She is pbadionate about photography.
Rodrigo – At the age of 40, she is triumphant and defends the representation of blacks. The carioca learned to read to his grandmother.
Tereza – Pernambuco, 52 years old and is married six times. For her son, the participant shared the dream of entering the "BBB".

Source "BBB" 19 – Survey

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