On Friday night (1), in the leader's room, Tereza asked Leader Carolina who would vote in the next training. The baiana said that she should say Hana, because of the lack of closeness between them.
"Are you sure who you are going to vote for?" Asked the psychobadyst. "Hana, I'm going to vote for Hana, I'm going to vote for Hana because I get along well with everyone at home and that she's the least of the girls." I never sat down and did not talk to her directly about my life. "
" This week I did not want to, we were getting to know each other, but I just want to be always in the game, having reasons to vote before affinity. the three people have made me out of the leader.Paula, Hariany and Hana.A test from the moment you are opposed to a veto by a test, as a leader or as a leader. Angel, that's a great reason. "
The chief added, however," Hariany is already walled, the last wall was that of friends, and I will never do it again. "I saw myself and Isabella in their place." Hana left ". [19659005]
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