BH Hospital inaugurates a bank of wigs for cancer patients | Minas Gerais


To start a cancer treatment, you have to adapt to the effects it causes. Hair loss is one of the most complicated consequences for many people. Reflecting on this and to restore patients' self-esteem, Hospital Felício Rocho, in collaboration with the NGO Fio de Luz, inaugurated a bank of wigs for those who lost their hair during chemo.

The project is carried out for hospital patients through donations of equipment. There is no cost or need to return to the end of treatment.

According to the nurse of the Oncology Clinic of Felício Rocho, Ariana Martins, the initiative was created on February 1 and about 12 women were there. "The proposal was pbaded on to people who wanted patients with this disease to feel good, and many women feel depressed and this makes them feel uncomfortable at such a troubled time," he said. .

The hospital, which also serves patients with cancer through the unified health system (SUS), has become a favored place for hair donations and all the material collected is intended for an NGO that will be transformed. in wig. Ariana says that any amount of hair over 20 centimeters is welcome. To make a donation, simply look for the Outpatient Cancer Clinic, Aimorés Street, 3580, in Barro Preto, from 8am to 5.30pm.

  Fil de lumière and the hospital Felício Rocho badociate and inaugurate a wig donation project for cancer patients - Photo: Ana Luíza Braga / Felício Rocho Hospital / Advertising <img clbad = "image content-media__image" itemprop = "contentUrl" alt = "Light wire and Felicio Rocho the hospital meet and inaugurate wigs project donation for cancer patients – Photo: Ana Luíza Braga / Hospital Felício Rocho / Divulgação" title = "Fil de lumière and hospital Felício Rocho join and inaugurate a wig donation project for cancer patients – Photo: Ana Luíza Braga / Hospital Felício Rocho / Disclosure" data-src = " Szmu2_ZoH1nWJmoUDaSJuj-iZnE = / 0x0: 3153×2075 / 984×0 / smart / filters: strip_icc () / i.s3.glogg

Light wire and hospital Felício Rocho team up to inaugurate a project of donating wigs for cancer patients – Photo: Ana Luña Braga / H Hospital Felício Rocho / Advertising

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