$ 516 million, to invest in the expansion and upgrading of equipment, which has been evaluated in recent years as one of the worst in the country, in Ministry of Transportation investigations. In total, the interventions to change the reality of the airport in the capital of the State of Bahia must be around R $ 800 million in this first stage, given the consideration by the French group of equipment management in 30-year concession.
This is the third largest funding awarded by BNB this year in the field of infrastructure. This week, 1.1 billion Reais were allocated to Maranhão for Equatorial to invest in the electricity distribution system in the municipalities of all the states of the Northeast. In the case of Bahia, 12 benefited: Correntina, São Desiderio, Barreiras, Angical, Riachão das Neves, Cotegipe, Santa Rita de Cássia, Mansidão, Pilão Arcado, Campo Alegre of Lourdes, Remanso and Buritirama. The second largest operation of the bank this year has been fully invested in the state: R $ 591 million, returned to Embasa in April, for modernization and expansion work of the systems. water supply in municipalities, such as Salvador, Madre de Deus, (19659003) "These are resources of the Northeast Constitutional Fund (FNE) with a focus on infrastructure works, an area that has been resumed last year by the bank and that has now highlighted even more in 2018, with the maturation of projects, "explained the communications advisor BNB. Today, the bank's president, Romildo Carneiro Rolim, and the airport concessionaire's CEO, Julio Ribas, are expected to participate in the signing ceremony of the contract for work at Salvador's airport. , when they should detail the planned interventions for the airport: the first phase would include the expansion and adequacy of the infrastructure of the aircraft area, the construction of 39; a new boarding area plus 20,000 square meters) and renovation of the existing pbadenger terminal.
According to the BNB communication sector, the North-East Bank is expected to exceed the target of R $ 30 billion of financing that will be released by the FNE this year, with R $ 14.5 billion for projects d & # 39; infrastructure. To date, 11 billion reais have already been released, with 5 billion reais for the sector – which already includes the 516 million reais contract to be signed today in Salvador with Vinci Airports. "There are still a lot of projects in the last phase of the badysis that will be published at the end of the second semester and that will certainly exceed the planned goal for the year, which is more investment in the Northeast, important infrastructure ", anticipated the communication of the bank.
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