(19659003) (3), who discusses with the National Treasury how to anticipate the payment of federal government loans to the financial institution. According to him, after the payment of 130 billion dollars planned for this year, there will remain 250 billion dollars that would be fully returned to the Treasury at the end of contracts, around 2060.
"We adjust with the Treasury. There is still no conclusion, but we are discussing how to anticipate this payment and, in particular, have a more balanced flow over the period.By contract, the flow of payment is very close to So let have a more permanent flow of payments over the period.This is under discussion, "he said, after attending a meeting with President Michel Temer.
On 29 May, BNDES returned 30 billion reais to the national treasury related to the early liquidation of the loan. It was the second payment this year. In March, the bank made another payment of 30 billion reais. The forecast for this year is a total return of 130 billion reais. With this last payment, the BNDES has already repaid 240 billion reais to the federal government since December 2015.
Although an additional 70 billion reais are returned in August, the Minister has not ruled out the possibility of postponing to starting from 2019. "The novelty is that, because of the devaluation of the currency, the Treasury may not need these funds this year to comply with the golden rule.However, there is also a public debt issue.This return of the BNDES reduces the size of the public debt, does not reduce the trajectory.So we are waiting to see the position of the Treasury to see if the preference for the return is still this year or if it could be more at the end of the year or early 2019, "Oliveira said
established by Article 167 of the Constitution, the rule of thumb forbids the government to borrow to cover current expenses (at jo the day). The Union can issue only public debt instruments to finance capital expenditures (such as investments and debt repayment) or rolls (renews) the public debt itself.
With the rise of the dollar, the Central Bank's profit is increasing and this will help the economic team because the positive result is transferred to the national treasury and used to reduce the public debt, reducing the needs of the central bank. government loan. The devaluation of the real increases the gains of the central bank because it increases the real value of international reserves, currently around US $ 380 billion.

President of BNDES, Dyogo Oliveira. – Wilson Dias / Agência Brasil
Edition: Sabrina Craide
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