Boff: You have to open the black box STF


247 – "It's time to open the STF black box." The choice of who should decide the PT issues inevitably falls into the hands of the judges notoriously against the PT.

Here is a tweet and report from Reuters:

It's time to open the door to the Supreme Court. the black box STF. The choice of those who must decide the questions of the PT will inevitably fall into the hands of judges notoriously against the PT. This is bias and persecution. There will be no maracutaia in these decisions?

BRASILIA (Reuters) – The defense team of former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has reaped a series of defeats at the end of the semester of the Supreme Court (STF), in the search for the right. try to release the PT from the jail where he has been since April, but the case involving him is far from having a judicial outcome.

Former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva 12/13/2017 REUTERS / Adriano Machado
Lula demands a judicial decision that takes him out of the chain and guarantees political rights to run for president. But it seriously risks being detained and still prevented from competing on the basis of the Clean Sheet Act.

To date, the former president's lawyers and the parties that are favorable to him are trying to reverse the conviction or at least the effects of the conviction for corruption and money laundering in the trial of Guarujá (SP).

The first setback of the former president's supporters occurred last week when Minister Edson Fachin of

Lula's lawyers again challenged his decision and unsuccessfully attempted to bring the case to the attention of the Supreme Court. the case was evaluated by the 2nd Panel on Tuesday. For the second time, Fachin rejected.

Its supporters have estimated that in a trial conducted by this minor collegiate – composed of five of the 11 ministers – there would be chances of victory for the PT. On Tuesday, the Turma – with the votes of ministers Gilmar Mendes, Ricardo Lewandowski and Dias Toffoli and against Fachin's position – revoked the imprisonment of former minister Jose Dirceu and imposed other defeats against the investigations of the operation Lava Jato

A source with access to ministers told Reuters Lula, if he was tried by the 2nd clbad, would have a good chance of obtaining a release from jail.

After this second rejection by Fachin of having appealed to the House, the defense of the former president filed a new action to challenge this decision. from the minister, the so-called complaint.

This complaint was distributed to Minister Alexandre de Moraes, a member of the First Clbad. The lawyers complained again, saying that this could only be appreciated by one of the four ministers of the 2nd Chamber – with the exception of Fachin – who had twice rejected this request from the defense [19659012]. the claims of the former president's defense and accepted Fachin's position in the case.

"In view of the foregoing, on the basis of Article 21, paragraph 1, of the Rules of Procedure of the Federal Court, I reject the request for a new distribution only among the Ministers of the 2nd clbad, to the exclusion of the claimed authority, since the distribution was carried out regularly, in accordance with Article 67, § 8, of the RISTF, and I reject this claim as unfounded. "[19659004] NO DATE] The judgment by the plenary badembly of the action reported by Fachin has no date to come, since the president of the STF, Carmen Lúcia, did not not inscribed on the agenda before September – the last month of the presidency.

Fachin, incidentally, again gave 5 days to the defense of the ex-president to clarify if he wants to discuss his ineligibility in this case that was referred to the court. On another front and parallel to this discussion, PT and PCdoB filed suit this week for Carmen Lúcia's alleged failure to include in the agenda of plenary proceedings the issue of Early execution of the sentence after the end of the appeal in a second instance

Both parties, supporters of Lula, complain that the actions in the matter are ready and should have been appreciated. There are cases that discuss the case ready to be badyzed in plenary since December 2017, but the president of the STF has already warned that he sees no reason to appreciate now – the understanding of the court, which allows the provisional execution of the sentence was signed in 2016. 19659003] The defense of Lula is trying to obtain a decision of the superior courts to get out of prison and report to Plbadto

The TP claims innocence over the crimes attributed to it in the case of the triplet and claims to be the target of a political persecution aimed at preventing it from contending for the election of. October.

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