President Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) had an episode of isolated fever on Wednesday (6) and underwent a chest and abdominal CT scan showing a "good evolution of the intestinal state and an image consistent with pneumonia," according to a medical report. published Thursday afternoon (7) by Albert Einstein Hospital.
Bolsonaro was operated on to remove a colostomy bag and restore the connection between the small intestine and part of the large intestine on January 28th. He is hospitalized in the semi-intensive unit of the hospital.
According to the spokesman of the Presidency, Otávio Rêgo Barros, the new tests showed that pneumonia was of bacterial origin. "They did a viral and bacterial test, and they did not take the virus – it's a bacterial cause," the spokesman said. "Some causes may be the cause of this pneumonia, but being under the badumption does not seem appropriate."
A new antibiotic has been included in the treatment and must be administered for seven days.
Still according to the bulletin, "an antibiotic treatment was adjusted and the remaining treatments were maintained". "[Bolsonaro] Always painless, with nasogastric tube, draining into the abdomen and receiving oral fluids in combination with parenteral nutrition."
The president does breathing exercises and walks down the aisle. Visits are limited by medical order.
According to the spokesman, "the state of health of the president is expected within this spike that affected him last night [quarta]". "As a precaution, the doctors took a picture, including a contrast-enhanced tomography, the lungs had an image compatible with pneumonia."
according to him, the febrile temperature President reached "about 38 ° C"
Will of steak with fries
Rêgo Barros said that in the morning, Bolsonaro walked twice. We talked for an hour on various topics. "
Bolsonaro continues to drink water – the possibility of drinking coffee was also considered.
" I was asked what was the wish of the President of Terms of the plate: a steak with french fries. It will take time, but as soon as he leaves, we will make him a special steak. "
The Palacio Plbadto published a photo of Bolsonaro in the afternoon of this Thursday, strolling to the hospital with the nasogastric tube. (7) – Photo: Divulgaçà £ o / Hospital Albert Einstein "title =" medical Bulletin President Jair Bolsonaro this Thursday (7) – Photo: Press release / Hospital Albert Einstein "src =" data: image / jpeg; base64 / 9d / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAAcABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGQAAAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwQFAgEI / 8QAFQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH / 2gAMAwEAAhADEAAAAfUs06iWey6iorl2bbAc / 8QAHRAAAQQDAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgABAwQREhMQFP / aAAgBAQABBQIiwuTlZbywxuesihE + ini3L51HXYHUw9LAwaoc5X // xAAUEQEAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAg / 9oACAEDAQE / HR // xAAUEQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAg / 9oACAECAQE / HR // xAAiEAABAgYBBQAAAAAAAAAAAAABABECEBIhQZEDEzEycYH / 2gAIA QEABj8C7supCHLU1vjUxS + 1naDu3uQN / izpAveQhqiApwVbkj2vImX / xAAiEAACAQQCAQUAAAAAAAAAAAABEQAQITFBUXHRgZGhwfD / 2gAIAQEAAT8hGaYunEogrhSCuQoAjJdMAC0l5dF / z3AOUZehBmA0B + 4SOvb8xkRChcgTFuNv1LP4gJYHBA8U / 9oADAMBAAIAAwAAABBVyTz / xAAVEQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARIP / aAAgBAwEBPxAY / 8QAFREBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAESD / 2gAIAQIBAT8QSP / EAB8QAQEAAgIDAAMAAAAAAAAAAAERACExQRBRYZHB4f / aAAgBAQABPxCkSLp6fjIiHdGijCUGXc5MA5fuTxUXD1dnVLnUPZSv36xdYGwQs4l8EBxb2j7GBAuHocq6vawKkdf3wqrXvHT95rKSKCPhFYdNssF59V4 9k = // "/> [7] – Photo: Divulgação / Albert Einstein Hospital" title = "Bulletin President Jair Bolsonaro's medical report on Thursday (7) – Photo: Divulgaço / Albert Einstein Hospital "data-src =" https://s2.glbimg.com/PB5V6tMIKQpqwG-9DfvuntWhXwc=/0x0:747×841/984×0/smart/filters:strip_icc () /i.s3.glbimg.com/v1/AUTH_59edd422.
Medical Bulletin of President Jair Bolsonaro of this Thursday (7) – Photo: Divulgaço / Hospital Albert Einstein
Chronology [1] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] of hospitalization:
Jair Bolsonaro was operated on to remove the colostomy bag at the Albert Einstein Hospital, in the southern area of São Paulo. The procedure came to an end after seven hours and proceeded "successfully", according to Plbadto's palace.
According to the medical report prepared by the hospital, the operation was performed "without complications and without blood transfusion". An "anastomosis of the ileum with the transverse colon" was performed, ie the union of the small intestine with part of the large intestine. They were taken 20 to 30 centimeters from the large bowel of Bolsonaro in the part that connected the small intestine to the bag of colostomy.
Bolsonaro was admitted to the intensive care unit of the Albert Einstein Hospital after removal of the colostomy bag. He received painkillers to control the pain and did not experience bleeding or complication, fever or signs of infection.
Bolsonaro took over the presidency of the Republic and began to go to an office on the same floor where he was hospitalized at Albert Einstein Hospital, in the southern area of São Paulo.
The president's spokesman, Otávio do Rêgo Barros, said that Bolsonaro was trying to remain speechless, but that the medical recommendation was hard to accept: "The president is difficult, he is already speaking. he's already talking. "
Bolsonaro posted a video on his Twitter account in which he appears crying while watching a couple sing" Evidences ". The president made his first video conference in the temporary office of the hospital. The meeting was with the Chief Minister of the Institutional Security Bureau, General Heleno.
The medical bulletin of the day indicated that he was following a good clinical course. "He already shows signs of stool onset." "Follows an exclusively parenteral (intravenous) diet without infection or other complication." He undergoes respiratory physiotherapy and walks outside the room.
The president had nausea and vomiting and the doctors had to have a nasogastric tube.
Jair Bolsonaro continued to use an open nasogastric tube, with a stable clinical course. According to the medical report, the president was painless and showed no signs of infection. Bolsonaro underwent an abdominal CT scan that ruled out surgical complications. It is fasting oral and exclusive parenteral nutrition.
Bolsonaro experienced an increase in temperature, started taking antibiotics and the scheduled leave for Wednesday (6) was postponed, according to spokesman Otávio Rêgo Barros. The medical bulletin indicated that the president had started taking antibiotics and that new imaging tests had been done. A mesh collection has been identified next to the intestine in the area of the former colostomy. He was subjected to an ultrasound-guided puncture and stayed with the drain in place. The president presented bowel movements and had two episodes of evacuation.
The president improves his state of health and begins to receive fluids by mouth. Bolsonaro showed an increase in bowel movements, which allowed oral injection. "The lab tests improve, and the patient takes antibiotics and drainage from the abdomen," says the medical report.
The president presented a stable clinical picture, without pain or fever, with an improvement in laboratory and imaging examinations, according to a medical bulletin published Wednesday (6). He also went for a walk in the lobby of the Albert Einstein Hospital, in the southern area of São Paulo.
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