Bolsonaro Holdings has fewer foreign delegations since Collor – Epoca NEGOCIOS


<img alt = "Speech by Jair Bolsonaro at the inauguration ceremony at the National Congress (Photo: Cleia Viana / Chamber of Deputies)" height = "430" src = "https: // s2.×430/ Jair Bolsonaro speaking during the inauguration ceremony at the National Congress (Photo: Cleia Viana / Chamber of Deputies) "width Jair Bolsonaro in the presidency of the Republic Jair Bolsonaro Jair Bolsonaro Jair Bolsonaro Jair Bolsonaro performs the duties of President of the Republic The Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement issued Tuesday by the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs foreign ministries were among the main foreign delegations. ] more

Survey conducted at the Esta show that, in 1990, 72 foreign delegations were in possession of Fernando Collor de Mello. The newspaper of the time shows that the big star of this party was the agent of Cuba, Fidel Castro, who made his first visit to Brazil. He arrived late at the last meeting on the agenda of the then President, Jose Sarney. In favor of the United States, the inauguration of Collor was honored by the then Vice President, Dan Quayle

For the inauguration of Fernando Henrique Cardoso, in 1995, there was had 120 delegations. Fidel once again honored the party, which had the right to show Daniela Mercury. New in the international scenario, the president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva deserved the displacement of 110 foreign delegations for its inauguration. He shared the spotlight with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez at the time.

This time, the United States sent their sales representative, Robert Zoellick, who had participated in a roundup with Lula during the election campaign. The Brazilian has threatened to paralyze the negotiations for the creation of the Free Trade Area of ​​the Americas (FTAA). Zoellick said that by doing so, Brazil could trade with the Antarctic penguins.

The most prestigious position in terms of foreign presence is that of Dilma Rousseff in 2011. The newspaper of the day records the presence of 130 foreign delegations, including 32 headed by Heads of State or of government.

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