Bolsonaro ill trains seriously ill prisoners


Before taking office, President Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) vowed that he would never forgive prisoners during his tenure.

"I badure you that if there is a rehabilitation for criminals this year, it will certainly be the last one," he said in November of last year.


Janaina Paschoal's strange tweets about Bolsonaro's health

The world turns and lusitana changes. Is not it that Bolsonaro today surprised to counter Bolsonaro yesterday?

What happened to Bolsonaro who softened the heart?

Bolsonaro is hospitalized for two weeks at Albert Hospital.

Bolsonaro is hospitalized for two weeks at Albert Hospital. Einstein, in São Paulo, where he had a serious deterioration – and an improvement over the past few hours – of the health system.

Coincidentally, the president on Friday signed the decree (8) granting pardon for critically ill prisoners.

Categories: Blog of Esmael, Bolsonaro, President of Bolsonaro, Brasilia, Curitiba, Highlights, News, Politics, Rio, RMC |
Tags: esmael blog, sorry, jair bolsonaro, sick prisoners |

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