Bolsonaro receives his semi-intensive unit leave and is transferred to an Albert Einstein Hospital apartment | County Dublin Hotels


President Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) progressively progressed in clinical improvement and was referred from the semi-intensive therapy unit to the Israelita Albert Einstein hospital apartment. Monday morning (11), according to the medical bulletin issued by the hospital board.

According to the medical team, the president "does not present any pain or fever and continues to improve the pulmonary image". He had parenteral nutrition suspended with the introduction of the light diet, maintaining the nutritional supplement.

Bolsonaro also performs breathing, muscle building and walking exercises outside the room to prevent possible venous thrombosis.

<img clbad = "content-video__placeholder__thumb" src = "" alt = "Bolsonaro leaves the semi-intensive unit and is already in the room

Bolsonaro leaves the semi-intensive unit and is already in the room

At a briefing to journalists at the Palace of Plbadto, the spokesman for the presidency, Otávio do Rêgo Barros said that Bolsonaro "went very smoothly" on Monday and that "he's getting better and better every day."

Barros rêgo said Monday, the president has interviewed by João Saad, president of the communication group Bandeirantes, to express his condolences on the death of the journalist Ricardo Boechat

Bolsonaro also met in the morning the ministers Sérgio Moro (Justice), Fernando Azevedo e Silva (Defense) and Augusto Heleno (GSI), as well as the President were also visited by the government São Paulo, João Doria, and São Paulo State Secretary for Security, João Campos

. However, the spokesperson has not set a deadline.

"The President will be removed from office when he will actually be able to leave the hospital, using a metaphor, through the main door."

Rego Barros pointed out that the reform proposal of "I can not guarantee it will be this week", he added.

  Jair Bolsonaro's medical health report on Monday (11) - photo: Play "title =" Jair Bolsonaro's medical report on health status Monday (11) - photo: "src =" reading data: image / jpeg; base64, / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT A 3kAHUD / xAAdEAACAgIDAQAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgADEBEEEhMj / 9oACAEBAAEFAmcCFO3JG8W2sri wwNbuXd + / T6xUt3LbArLYrHeDWpbzWea4 / 8QAFBEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIP / aAAgBAwEBPwFf / 8QAFBEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIP / aAAgBAgEBPwFf / 8QAJBAAAQIEBQUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAQAhESMiExcZGhE0JhsdH / 2gAIAQEABj8CuAXUhFcQFNQIyeQ9IYcK3BjKqXhd / KH1sTENFfENVm0yJlWjZWjZv // EAB8QAQACAgIDAQEAAAAAAAAAAAERIQAQMUFhgZFRcf / aAAgBAQABPyFJJ / 4uINR1UranwfMA5Z9adhQYYALw8zCXMdfdeMh2ztgN2Ym9Yet8ZBL3Ei8AAW96QFQi704Nm / 8AjX // 2gAMAwEAAgADAAAAEDfP / AHP / 8QAFxEBAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAREgMf /aAAgBAwEBPxBh23 // xAAVEQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARIP / aAAgBAgEBPxBK / 8QAIBABAAEEAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAREAITFBEFFhcdGRof / aAAgBAQABPxB0kkopD1NJYhLhYHVKYlwoi35kOBzpG6ZfdLwKxMXxm2 Jair Bolsonaro Medical Report on the Status Jair Bolsonaro's health this Monday (11) - Photo: Reproduction "title =" Medical report on the health status of Jair Bolsonaro at Jair. Monday (11) - Photo: Reproduction "as a result of </source></source></source></source></source></picture> </div>
<p clbad= Medical Report on the state of health of Jair Bolsonaro this Monday (11) – Photo: Reproduction

The President underwent a tomography in the ( 11), according to the doctors who accompany his case to Albert Einstein Hospital.

Thursday (7), during the hospitalization of the president for the removal of the colostomy bag and the reconnection of the patient. gut, doctors diagnosed him with bacterial pneumonia.

According to hospital professionals, Bolsonaro maintained the creamy diet after beginning to reduce intravenous (with nutrients in the vein) diet on Sunday (10 The prediction, however, is that it does not pbad already Monday for the pasty diet.

The president also had "a substantial improvement in the lung", since he had already informed the medical bulletin published Sunday by the hospital.

Read ndi, the president posted a message on his Twitter account with a picture of him showing a beard. In his mail, he says that the picture was taken this morning. "Another day of the week, let's go to battle!" He said.

  Bolsonaro has lunch at the hospital this Saturday (9) - Photo: Social Networks <img clbad = "image content-media__image" itemprop = "contentUrl" alt = "Bolsonaro lunch at the hospital Saturday (9) – Photo: Social Networks "title =" Bolsonaro has lunch at the hospital this Saturday (9) – Photo: Social Networks "data-src =" / 0x0: 717×723 / 984×0 / smart /

Bolsonaro has lunch at the hospital this Saturday (9) – photo (0): Social Networks

Chronology of hospitalization

Jair Bolsonaro was operated to remove the colostomy bag at the Albert Einstein Hospital, in the southern area of ​​São Paulo.The procedure ended after seven hours and "successfully" proceeded, according to the Palace of Plbadto: Vice President Hamilton Mourão badumed the presidency of the Republic for two days

According to the medical report prepared by the hospital, the operation was ty conducted "without complications and without the need for blood transfusion." An "anastomosis of the ileum with the transverse colon" was performed, ie the union of the small intestine with part of the large intestine. They were taken 20 to 30 centimeters from the large bowel of Bolsonaro in the part that connected the small intestine to the bag of colostomy.

Bolsonaro was admitted to the intensive care unit of the Albert Einstein Hospital after removal of the colostomy bag. He received painkillers to control the pain and did not experience bleeding or complication, fever or signs of infection.

Bolsonaro took over the presidency of the Republic and began his expedition from an office on the same floor where he was hospitalized at Albert Einstein Hospital, in the southern area of ​​São Paulo.

The president's spokesman, Otávio do Rêgo Barros, said that Bolsonaro was trying to remain speechless, but that the medical recommendation was difficult to accept: "The president is difficult, he is already speaking. he is already talking. "

The medical bulletin of the day indicated that Bolsonaro had a good clinical course. "He already shows signs of stool onset." "Follows an exclusively parenteral (intravenous) diet without infection or other complication." He undergoes respiratory physiotherapy and walks outside the room.

The president had nausea and vomiting and the doctors had to have a nasogastric tube.

Bolsonaro continued to use an open nasogastric tube with a stable clinical course. According to the medical report, the president was painless and showed no signs of infection. Bolsonaro underwent a tomography of the abdomen that excluded surgical complications. He remained on oral fasting and parenteral nutrition

Bolsonaro had a high temperature, started taking antibiotics and the high scheduled for Wednesday (6) was postponed. The medical bulletin indicated that the president had started taking antibiotics and that new imaging tests had been done. A mesh collection has been identified next to the intestine in the area of ​​the former colostomy. He was subjected to the ultrasound-guided puncture and stayed with the drain in place. The president presented bowel movements and had two episodes of evacuation.

The president improves his state of health and begins to receive fluids by mouth. Bolsonaro showed an increase in bowel movements, which allowed oral injection. "The lab tests improve, and the patient takes antibiotics and drainage from the abdomen," says the medical report.

The president presents a stable clinical picture, without pain or fever, with improvement of laboratory examinations and image examinations. He also walked back into the hallway of Albert Einstein Hospital.

Second medical bulletin, Bolsonaro had a fever episode and a chest tomography detected pneumonia. According to the tests, the pneumonia was of bacterial origin. A new antibiotic has been added to the president's treatment.

Bolsonaro removes the drain placed on his abdomen and the nasogastric tube. He also fed for the first time.

Bolsonaro starts a creamy diet and improves the results of the x-ray of the lungs.

The president maintains a good clinical course, he has no fever and the pulmonary picture shows a significant improvement. He continued with the same antibiotics and began the gradual reduction of parenteral (endovenous) nutrition, maintaining a creamy diet badociated with the oral nutritional supplement. "He continues to perform breathing exercises and muscle building alternating with periods of walking," says the medical report.

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