Bolsonaro will be operated on Monday in São Paulo to remove a bag and tie back the intestine | County Dublin Hotels


President Jair Bolsonaro will be operated early this morning (28) at the Albert Einstein Hospital in São Paulo. The operation will be necessary to remove the bag of colostomy and reconnect bowel transit of Bolsonaro.

According to the Fantástico, doctors can choose between two procedures: to connect the two ends of the large intestine separated for the placement of the bag – the fixation can be performed with a surgical needle and wire – or with a surgical stapler; or cut a portion of the large intestine 20 centimeters and attach the other end directly to the small intestine, which receives more blood than the large intestine. The more blood circulates, the easier and faster the healing. This second procedure is probably due to the fact that it helps to prevent future complications.

The operation will be led by the gastroenterologist Antonio Luiz de Vasconcellos Macedo.

Bolsonaro arrives in São Paulo on Sunday (27), undergoes a clinical evaluation, undergoes laboratory and imaging tests at Albert Einstein Hospital. He undergoes a colostomy sac removal operation and a confirmed intestinal transit reconstruction. the morning of this Monday.

On Sunday, the president posted a video on his Twitter profile saved in the hospital room. "Well, today, Sunday, we flew to SP, I'm here at Albert Einstein, where tomorrow, starting at 7 am, I have to undergo a colostomy bag removal operation. It should last about 3 hours, but if God willing, everything will be fine, once again, thank you very much, and thank you also for the prayers, Brazil is for us, "said Bolsonaro in the video.

Bolsonaro has with his body a colostomy pouch implanted in September of last year, when he was operated on after receiving a stab of Adélio Bispo de Oliveira when he died. an election campaign in Juiz de Fora (MG). This will be the third operation to which Bolsonaro will be submitted since the attack. See how Bolsonaro's first surgical procedure unfolded "

See how Bolsonaro's first surgical procedure unfolded

Jair Bolsonaro was a victim An attack on Sept. 6 while he was campaigning in the center of Juiz de Fora, stabbing his belly in pain, announcing the seriousness of the injury

Bolsonaro was driven to the Santa Casa de Misericordia

first evaluation and found a large internal bleeding.

At the time of the stabbing, the blade – which Bolsonaro lost a lot of blood, which spread between the organs and was contained in the abdomen

Bolsonaro's blood pressure fell to very dangerous levels, and he had to be stabilized.He received four pockets of blood.

There was little time to act. 39, abdomen during of an emergency operation. They found that the knife had caused three perforations in the small intestine. They were cleaned and closed.

In the large intestine, the damage is greater. The blade went from one side to the other and caused leakage of feces. It was necessary to clean the entire abdomen and remove the affected part, which measures ten centimeters. One end of the large intestine has been isolated. The other was attached to the colostomy bag, which Bolsonaro has been using ever since.

<img clbad = "content-video__placeholder__thumb" src = "" alt = "See how the second Bolsonaro surgery was performed.

<img clbad = "content-video__placeholder__thumb" src = "" alt = "See second surgery Bolsonaro

<img clbad =" The next day, he was transferred to the hospital Albert Einstein, São Paulo, in Brazil, and five days later, he had to undergo further surgery

A blockage in one of the loops of the small intestine prevented the pbadage of enteric juice from the stomach. press the small intestine from the inside outward until it breaks the spikes of one of the cuts. A small amount of enteric juice has The surgeon he could unblock the bowel handle and release the pbadage of the liquid to normalize the flow.

Bolsonaro was released on September 29, 23 days after the attack.

The hospital will have a "cabinet". & # 39;

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Fantastic explains step by step Surgical procedure of President Jair Bolsonaro

The surgical gesture of Jair Bolsonaro explains step by step the operation of President Jair Bolsonaro According to Plbadto Palace, Vice President Hamilton Mourão will badume the presidency for 48 hours after Operation Bolsonaro, but the president will resume his duties and dispatch from inside the hospital.

An office was set up on the same floor where Bolsonaro is hospitalized to be able to receive ministers from State.


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