Box 2: The change proposed by Moro


In order to better criminalize the use of two cash in elections, Sergio Moro proposes in his anti-crime package to amend Article 350 of the Electoral Code (Law No. 4.737 / 1965 ). , it was used by Lava Jato to confuse the two boxers with an ideological falsehood (false statement).

The writing was as follows:

" S. 350. To omit, in a public or private document, a statement which should include, insert or cause to be inserted, a false statement or a statement different from that which should have been written for electoral purposes:

up to five years imprisonment and fine ranging from 5 to 15 days if the document is public and imprisonment for up to three years and fine ranging from 3 to 10 days if the document is private.

Single Paragraph If the agent of the documentary lie is an official and that he commits the crime by performing his duties or if the falsification or alteration relates to a regulation in the register of civil status, the sentence is aggravated. "

Now, l & # 39; writing hardened by Moro was:

The Essentials of the Anti-Crime Package


Your peace of mind depends on the success of Sergio Moro. Read here
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