Brasilia. The increase in the number of foreign visitors to Brazil had an impact on the revenues generated by international tourism in the country, from January to June, registering an increase of 5.94% compared to the first half of 2017 During visits to Brazilian destinations during this period left $ 3.24 billion, or $ 180 million more than in the first six months of last year ($ 3.06 billion). "The data reinforce the fact that tourism is a vector of the economy and that, as such, it must be treated," said Tourism Minister Vinicius Lummertz, of the Central Bank of Brazil and published by the Ministry of Tourism. The positive change accompanies the arrival of international tourists in the period. The arrival of foreign tourists to Brazil increased by 8% in the first half of this year compared to the first six months of 2017. According to preliminary figures released by the Ministry of Tourism, 3.15 million international visitors on the database of the federal police.
Five of the first six months of the year had higher incomes than last year: January (+ 17.8%), February (14.2%), April (+19.6%) %), May and June (0.5%).
In contrast, tourism spending, the amount spent by Brazilians abroad, declined in June. However, during the year, the exchange rate was set at US $ 9.57 (US $ 1.49 billion). billions of dollars, 8.72% more than during the same period of 2017 ($ 8.81 billion).
In June alone, foreign exchange earnings related to foreign tourist spending in Brazil amounted to US $ 379 million. a percentage of 0.52% higher than June last year, when the income was $ 377 million.
The results demonstrate the importance of more investment for the sector in Brazil. The international tourism market is very competitive and already constitutes one of the main sources of income for some countries of the world
In Spain, tourism accounted for 14.9% of the gross domestic product (GDP) in 2017. A Report of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) stresses that the evolution is due to good transport links, quality of supply, experience and collaboration between administrations public and private companies in the country.
Embratur and the Ministry of Tourism joined forces to promote international tourism and launched the #FelizesPorNatureza campaign, which reached more than 300 million people during the World Cup in Russia. Last year, 23 million Russians traveled to other countries and only 19,000 chose Brazilian destinations.
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