Brazil vs. Venezuela: queues, writing and everything about the South American duel under 20 years old | brazilian team


Brazil returns to the field at El Teniente Stadium on Monday night at 8:30 pm, by the South American U-20 team. This time, after the 0-0 draw against Colombia, the team will face Venezuela, leader of Group A with six points (two wins).

At the preliminary stage, Bolivia and Colombia face each other at 18:10. The two teams, Brazil and Chile, total one point in Group A. The Chiliennes play well in this round. The first three arrive in the last hex of the competition.

Carlos Amadeu considered the Brazilian exhibition as timid against Colombia. He has focused on the difficulties of the lawn, bad, but wants more creativity and daring. The expected change is the entry of Igor, from São Paulo, instead of Gabriel Menino, Palmeiras. Boy has a slightly more defensive feature – in the words of Amadeu, against the solid Colombian team, with most players of the year 1999 (the last one to compete), sought more "consistency" in the middle of the field with the Palmeirense.

Igor enters the surface, looks for a table, finishes more and has a good ball. The team must go to the field with Phelipe, Emerson, Vitão, Walce, Carlos; Luan, Marco Antonio Bahia and Igor; Marlinho Cipriano, Rodrygo and Lincoln.

Igor was not lucky. Good Miss Lincoln has even tried to take advantage of the rebound href = "" url = " hashrc = trefsrc = tsh 5Etfw "> # trsub20 <! – > href = "" url = ""> <! – Things have changed a lot, but the Venezuelan team, besides never having beaten the Brazilian in 13 games (11 defeats) and two draws), has already suffered five defeats, including one more than 20 years ago. In 1997, Brazil beat Venezuela 10-2. But there were also 4 to 0 (1958), 5 to 1 (1971), 4 to 0 (1974) and 5 to 1 (1981).

In 13 games, Brazil scored 41 goals and 7 goals. But the latest clash shows how Venezuela is no longer a fragile team, as it once was: in 2017, Felipe Vizeu, former Flamengo and now

remembering that Venezuela was currently figuring ranked second in the world. He had won Uruguay in the semifinals and was inclined to face England in 2017.

] The economic, political and social crisis of Venezuela results in increased immigration of its population into from other countries of South America. Chile is one of the most sought-after destinations. More than 200,000 Venezuelans live in the Andean country. The scene was impressive against the owners on Saturday: the Rancagua stadium was split in the middle of the 2-1 win over Venezuela against Chile.

The economic and political crisis recently led thousands of Venezuelans to Chile. From one year to here, more and more every day. I remember that the last time I arrived in Chile, newspapers put forward laws restricting immigration. href = "" url = ""> <! – >

January 20, 2019

What are the strengths of Venezuela?

Under-20 Venezuela has nine players playing outside their country. Defender Makoun is a Juventus player. Mangana plays for Celta de Vigo while Sosa, shirt 10, plays for Talleres, Argentina. In the debut, made a magnificent goal of miss against Colombia.

The goal of Sosa who has up to the vinotinto <! – One of the strong points of this South American is Hurtado, jersey 9, who had already been top scorer in the under-17 competition two years ago. January 17, 2019

Player of Gimnasia, he has as idol the Brazilian Ronaldo. The team, formed by former goalkeeper Dudamel, should enter the field with Carlos Olses; Pablo Bonilla, Ignacio Anzola, Christian Makoun, Riki Mangana; Rommell Ibarra, Cristian Cásseres, Jorge Yriarte; Jesús Vargas, Samuel Sosa and Hurtado.

  The Venezuelan team will attempt its third consecutive victory - Photo: FVF "title =" The Venezuelan team will attempt its third consecutive victory - Photo: FVF "src =" data: image / jpeg; base64, / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAAPABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGAAAAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAYHAgX / xAAWAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAQP / 2gAMAwEAAhADEAAAAeucmb0WxU2AEHn / xAAcEAACAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAACBAMFAAEVExT / 2gAIAQEAAQUCeuZvoO6IpTvZWJvJbEJ9tmdrLrXTbDOsxn xAAcEQADAAEFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgQAMUFxkdH // / // 2gAIAQMBAT8BeepHKnXkYJ6tgOx7n EABoRAAICAwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMSAAECERP / 2gAIAQIBAT8BHwWmh8h1pJ // xAAlEAABAwMDAwUAAAAAAAAAAAABAgMRACExBDNREiKRE0JxofD / 2gAIAQEABj8CdW06ltF2kBCxJSP33T3cWQ4EntXtxx8ihK / TDkFLc 4HHVxzWzpvNLKWNOS2Ldac2xVmNOokyTeczFILbbCEpiBGCOK2W + / Nf / 8QAIBABAAICAgEFAAAAAAAAAAAAAREhADFBUWGBkdHw8f / aAAgBAQABPyGSkJKuAXtg1oF4Oz + snmEWWOb gBaiJWGwGm15jP0 R05jUUSedLkmUDShVvVx6YwwNX4nsKGM + + k + M // // 9oADAMBAAIAAwAAABCir EABsRAAEEAwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAETFBIZGh / 9oACAEDAQE / EAwADNDxbQ iMlctJ / 8QAGhEBAQACAwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAREAcUFRwf / aAAgBAgEBPxAJBTTxL7kLB3TWf // EAB0QAQEAAgMAAwAAAAAAAAAAAAERACExQWHB8PH / 2gAIAQEAAT8QfTw4YmkHbgrAqYHJCnLthUoIEPMeyOF2DvjUCCJ7Pvnzi1hrXRqNO5oIbwgWQI3hG5EcT1hCjJRD3wswNKIrc / HY / 9k = "/> <picture itemscope= <img clbad =" content-media__image picture "itemprop =" contentURL "alt =" L & # 39; Venezuelan team will try third consecutive win – Photo: FVF "title =" The Venezuelan team will attempt its third consecutive victory – Photo: FVF "data-src ="×480/984×0/984×0/ smart / filters: strip_icc / (c "

The Venezuelan team will attempt the third consecutive victory – Photo: FVF

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