Brazilians can obtain a credit card deductible from payroll without consulting Serasa and SPC


  Credit card for negative proof or no proof of income. Photo / Assembly
Credit card for negative or without proof of income. Score low, others already had a name, including in SPC Score

Thousands of Brazilians do not have a simple credit card for many reasons. and Serasa all these negative points can affect the timing of obtaining a credit card.

A The financial education in Brazil is rare, it is very common to see Brazilians. expenses above their own salary. Attitudes like this are a gateway to defect . On the other hand, there are financial institutions ready to give these people a second chance.

  How to pay taxes with a credit card? Photo / Reproduction
How to pay taxes with a credit card? Photo / Reproduction

We can find the offer of Credit card recorded without prior consultation with Serasa and SPC . In this case, card payments are deducted directly from the customer's payroll . As part of this proposal, it is impossible for the financial institution to remain without receiving the amounts spent on this card, contrary to the traditional credit card in which the institutions expect the will of the users of the card. remove the charge from the card. credit

If you are retired and retired from the INSS, it is even easier to make your purchases and pay your bills.
With the Consignado Cetelem card, you benefit from reduced rates and the minimum payment is deducted directly from the salary.

Check the benefits of Consignado Cetelem card

  Credit card in case of negative proof or lack of income. Photo / Assembly
Credit card for negative or without proof of income.
  • Withdrawal with direct deposit in your current account (via Internet Banking or Cetelem Relationship Center)
  • Withdrawal of cash at the bank 24 hours
  • If you wish to purchase this card from credit recorded, simply access the https: // www.[19659023HERDiárioPrimeestunsiteàvocationspécifiqueilapportetouteslesinformationsconcernantlesrésultatsdesloteriesdesdivertissementsdesservicespublicscélèbresnotammentSivoussouhaiteznouscontacters'ilvousplaîtcontactez-nouspare-mail:[email protected]
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