Brazil's game changes the vaccination schedule against the flu; 25 thousand remaining doses


Remaining batches of the influenza vaccine follow the disposition of the population in the health posts. Next Monday (2), health facilities go to special hours, because of the match of Brazil against Mexico, for the eighth finals of the World Cup.

Health posts will open from 7am to 10am (19659002) Since the flu vaccine was released for the entire population of Curitiba (25), until Friday (29th) were applied 45,000 doses of the vaccine in the health units of Curitiba and are still available about 25 000 doses

To be vaccinated, simply present a photo identification document. "Opening vaccination for all was important to increase coverage in the city, promoting the general population in the fight against influenza"; says the director of the Center of Epidemiology of the Department of Municipal Health, Alcides de Oliveira

"We want to offer all the doses we receive.As vaccines are exhausted to a post, we will tell you where the population can still find remaining doses, "he said. The update of the doses will be made through the site of the city of Curitiba ( )

The vaccine is one of the forms of prevention of influenza virus. To frequently disinfect hands with alcoholic gel or to wash hands with soap and water, avoid agglomerations and closed areas are precautions that prevent the proliferation of the virus.

This care is also important because it takes about ten days of the vaccine to induce antibodies against the flu. In this period, there is a window for other occurrences, as another virus, already incubated in the individual, will manifest, causing flu symptoms.


"The general population has joined our offer, to increase immunization coverage among the priority groups established by the Ministry of Health," said Oliveira.On Thursday, May 28, Curitiba had reached 87.2% of the overall goal

At the end of the campaign (22/6), the percentage was 83% Among the puerperal mothers (mothers having children up to 45 days ), the current coverage is 132.2%, and among the elderly (+60 years old), 98.4%. Until recently, 61.3% of children (up to five years old) ) had been vaccinated and 62.1% of pregnant women


Influenza (flu) occurs throughout the year, but is more common in the fall and winter when temperatures drop, mainly in the south and southeast of the country.It is a viral infection that affects the respiratory system, specifically the nose, throat and bronchial tubes.

Contamination occurs directly through the secretions of the respiratory tract of the infected person by speaking, coughing or sneezing, or indirectly, by hands which, after contact with newly contaminated surfaces by Respiratory secretions, can carry the infectious agent directly into the mouth, eyes and nose.

Hygiene guidelines

  • Frequent washing with water and soap or alcohol pbadage 70;
  • Take care to talk and cough around other people. When coughing, cover the mouth with the inside of the arm. Do not place your hand on the front of the mouth, as touching other surfaces may contaminate
  • Use a disposable tissue for nasal hygiene;
  • Avoid touching the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth;
  • Avoid crowds and closed environments
  • Avoid close contact with people with signs or symptoms of influenza
  • Environments that remain closed should be cleaned with alcohol 70 and avoid Dust accumulation
  • Adopt healthy habits, such as a balanced diet and fluid intake.

With information from SMCS

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