Broken Brumadinho Dam: Families Search for Missing Persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina Hospitals | Minas Gerais


The morning of Saturday (26) at the hospital if Pronto-Socorro João XXIII, in Belo Horizonte, is apprehensive and search for news of missing and saved in the break of Vale, in Brumadinho . The breakout occurred the sixth (25). Until this morning, nine deaths have been confirmed and between 300 and 350 missing. Nine people were saved from the mud and more than 100 others were saved.

The sales representative Célio Nicolau, 50, came to the health office to get information about his cousin Evandro Luís dos Santos, who is also 50 years old. He works as a maintenance technician for the mining company's heavy machinery and since the dissolution, the family has had no contact with him.

According to Nicholas, the family had already gone to the UPA of Sarzedo, in Greater BiH, but nothing new on the spot. In John XXIII, there was also no information about the official. "We are eliminating the possibilities," he said before moving to the Forensic Institute (IML).

"I'm really real, you know, logically, over time – of course, we have hope – but it gets complicated," he said.

João Paulo Altino's 35-year-old family is also saddened by the search for news. His sister, the nursing technician, Réjane Alexandra Altino, 43, tells that she spent the night in the hospital, but still continues without news. While waiting at the health office, her mother became ill and is now under observation in John XXIII.

Very worried, she said that her brother would be in the mess at the time of the disaster. Altino is an employee of Sotreq, a company that provided services to Vale in the Feijão mine.

  Firefighter crews occupy the rescue after a disaster in Brumadinho - Photo: Reproduction / Fire Department   Firefighter teams in the rescue work after the disaster in Brumadinho - Photo: Reading / Service fire

Firefighters mobilized after a disaster in Brumadinho – Photo: Reproduction / Fire Department

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