The truckers' strike, political uncertainties, revisions and the projection of GDP have created a highly pessimistic environment for food retailers. In the state of São Paulo, optimism with sales and the intention to hire employees reached 0% in June.
The data are part of the Confidence Survey on Supermarkets in the State of São Paulo (PCS) made by the Paulista Supermarket Association (APAS). According to the survey, the unfolding of the strike, with the eventual creation of a freight rate, caused the general confidence of the sector to drop by 16 percentage points, reaching 22%. On the other end, the pessimism dropped from 17% to 26% from one month to the next.
When the subject is optimistic with sales and the intention and the hiring of manpower the indicator reaches 0%. "The result of this research, in addition to being alarming, demonstrates just how difficult the truckers have been in the short term for the sector that had been a relatively good year," says the economist. ; APAS Thiago Berka
Alento [19659005Malgrélepessimismedel'HomMed'affairesdeSãoPaulol'enquêtemensuelledelaBrazilianSupermarketAssociation(Abras)amontréquelesventesavaientaugmentéde47%enmaiunanplustôtLaraisondudémantèlementétaitprécisémentlaparalysiedescamionneursquiontpoussélaconsommationàl'intérieurdesmarchéspour"store"leconsommateurEnoutrelabaisseduvolumedelégumesafaitaugmenterleprixduproduitcequiaégalementcontribuéàcetteaugmentationL'oignonparexempleprésentaitunevariationde401%danslemoisbadyséparl'entity
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