When his most recent version was announced in October 2016, the mascot Canarinho still wore the status he had won when it was launched in 2014 as a personification of the nickname given to the Brazilian team since the jersey of the main uniform became yellow in 1954. In this year, however, two after the fateful 7-1 against Germany, the official figure of the CBF, which today carries the surname not recognized by the institution of " pistol ", little amused the Brazilians.
The characteristic sissy of the mascot until it attracted the public attention of social networks at the time. In the comments of the video presentation YouTube, many have already noted that their closed face was fertile ground for jokes jokes and same .
"Objectif CBF", wrote a user. "This Canarinho will scare opponents! Congratulations, CBF, this time you did it well," said another. "The mascot of the team clearly did not like the new job," joked a third. Some even thought that it was, in fact, the official mascot chosen by the institution, rejected by the Brazilians because of the recent involvement of its members in educational programs. corruption.
Even without getting upset, there were also the first nicknames for the sullen mascot. "Putaço" and "Revoltado" were paris – nobody, however, seemed to like as much as "Pistol", the most famous to date.
The following year, in May 2017, the CBF tested a more user-friendly version of the mascot at the Somos Futebol seminar, which was held in Rio de Janeiro, but the change was rejected. In social networks, the institution quickly tried to soothe moods. "CBF has started marketing the beloved version of social networks," he said in a statement posted on Twitter
. At the same time, CBF started marketing the beloved version of social networks. Again, the happy and smiling version, sold until here, did not come. " pistol ", the spirit of social networks. . . " He is brave he has the faces of some friends, but he has won the hearts and sympathy of Brazilian fans," says the presentation text of the mascot in the CBF online store.
In March 2018, on the eve of the World Cup, Canarinho came into play in friendly against the Brazilian owners in Moscow. The team led by coach Tite beat the Russians 3-0, but did not have as much fun as their presence. During the match, the Canarinho was the big culmination of social networks, becoming the topic of Twitter trend.
As the tournament began to approach, CBF intensified Canarinho's appearances in the events. and especially on the internet. And he took it.
Already in the country of the Cup, without being able to enter the stadiums, since FIFA only allows the presence of the official mascot of the event, in this case, the wolf Zabivaka, the Canarinho began to circulate through the streets of the cities where the selection was made by interacting with the population. He rode a scooter, held a baby on his lap, played with children and even fell in love with a Russian.
The day before the match against Costa Rica – won by Brazil 2-0, Canarinho saw his popularity increase even more when he hosted the national team in St. Petersburg, playing the drums while the fans sang the song considered the new hymn selection.
The pinnacle of success came at another reception in Moscow two days before the team beat Serbia 2-0 at Spartak stadium. Canarinho arrived before the bus of the players and was in the area reserved for athletes. In the middle of the party, Canarinho was " detained " by the security guards of the establishment. Unaware of their official status, the Russians thought it was a costumed supporter who was blocking players' pbadage. Canarinho left with his hands until the confusion was dispelled.
At the time, the mascot was as banded for selfies as the players. Until Titus returned to charisma . "Canarinho is a man, he has his own charisma," said the coach.
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