Cannibals are convicted of two murders committed in Pernambuco | Pernambuco


Jorge Beltrão Negromonte da Silveira, Isabel Cristina Pires da Silveira and Bruna Cristina Oliveira da Silva were tried for the death of Alexandra da Silva Falcao, aged 20, and Gisele Helena da Silva, aged 31 years, to Garanhuns in 2012. [19659002] The sentence began to be read by Judge Ernesto Bezerra, who presided over the popular jury at 22:40. According to the jury's decision, Jorge Beltrão will be sentenced to 71 years imprisonment.

Isabel Cristina took 68 years of isolation. Bruna Cristina was sentenced to 71 years and 10 months in prison.

The three men had already been sentenced for the same crime against a young woman in Olinda, in the region of Recife. According to the Pernambuco Court of Justice (TJPE), the sentences of this trial will add to the length of the previously established prison sentence.

The second trial was postponed due to the absence of one of the defenders. The session began Friday (14), when the defendants were heard in plenary, and resumed Saturday, with the debate between the prosecution and the defense.

The three persons are convicted of double-criminality – for an inconvenient reason, with cruel and impossible use to defend the victim – as well as crimes of concealment and defamation of corpses and theft. Jorge Beltrão and Bruna Cristina always answer by estelionato, since Bruna is always accused of false identity.

The case would be tried in Garanhuns, but the lawyer of one of the accused entered with a request to appear the jury in another district.

The three people respond to two cases: one concerning the death of Jessica Camila da Silva Pereira in May 2008, for which they had been sentenced in 2014; and another for both homicides committed in Garanhuns.

The Canibes of Garanhuns go to trial at the Recife forum

<img clbad = "content-video__placeholder__thumb" src = "" alt = " Canibais of Garanhuns go to trial at Recife forum [title=19659011] At the opening of the jury, Jorge Beltrão was the first to be heard, he said that Bruna Cristina had tortured him and that he was a victim of the situation. "Isabel and I were tortured to presume it," he said, then Isabel and Bruna were heard. (See video above)

In session plenary, a psychologist presented a testimony on the state of health of Jorge Beltrão.The pursuit of justice showed in plenary a sentence that testifies to the mental health of the three accused, issued by the Hospital Guard and psychiatric treatment, stating that the sentence testified to the defense's ability to respond to its

<img clbad = "content-video__placeholder__thumb" src = "" alt = "Defenders of cannibals present their arguments on the second day of trial, in Recife "title =" Defenders of cannibals present their arguments on the second day of the trial, in Recife

On the second day, the first lawyer to present his defense thesis was Jorge Beltrão, who had presented to the jurors the psychiatric reports of the accused. The lawyer announced that he would seek the acquittal of the accused, saying that it would be "indisputable".

The defense of Isabel Cristina then exposed her thesis. The lawyers also chose to badert that the defendant was insane, but they also baderted that the accused did not commit the crimes of

. After the debates between the prosecution and the defense, a jury requested presentation of the case. a video with a televised report on the cannibal business.

On the first of two days of trial, in 2014, the trio was harbaded upon arriving at Olinda's forum and exchanged accusations among themselves during testimony. They explained the gruesome details of the action and one of the remains, Bruna Cristina, said that "Mortal Games had been lost" in describing the murder of one of the victims. The defendant stated that he had even eaten the woman's meat because of the ritual.

For crimes of the same nature committed in 2008, Jorge Beltrão Negromonte da Silveira was sentenced to 21 years and six months imprisonment and one year and six months detention, a total sentence of 23 years. For their part, Isabel Cristina Torreão Pires and Bruna Cristina Oliveira da Silva have been sentenced to 19 years 'imprisonment and one year' s imprisonment, for a total of 20 years.

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