Captain Marvel – Samuel L. Jackson may have confirmed the big spoiler of the movie!


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Gus Fials → The first of Captain Marvel will take a little less A month, but she is capable of we already know all the secrets of the film – whether by toy leaks or interviews granted by some actors. And now, Samuel L. Jackson may have suggested that the heroine would be able to travel back in time

In an interview with Total Film Nick Fury – stated that the heroine would be able to make the transition between the past, the present and the future, and hinted that this could have something to do with the post-credit scene of Infinite War. It should be remembered that in comics the heroine does not have this power:

"We can discover that she can do things that no one else can do. in time, so maybe she can go ahead or go back in the past and discover everything.The fact that I have a pager 20 years later – this is put in the film in a very interesting way. "

Of course, this still does not count as an official confirmation – and know that Jackson could be just a way to make a play for fans or reporters . But it would still be absurd to innovate if Captain Marvel had the gift of traveling back in time, becoming the first hero of MCU to do so.

It is obvious that we have the Strange Doctor who has been able to travel in the past and the future – but this has never been an intrinsic power of the hero, since it depended from Joia do Tempo. It should be noted that this is not the first time Samuel L. Jackson has done it. If Carol Danvers can travel back in time, we will have some very interesting changes in the history of Avengers: Ultimatum. comments. In previous interviews, he had already suggested that Carol Danvers would be able to go beyond the limits of time – and as he repeated, it seems more affirmative than anything else.

In the gallery below, Captain Marvel arrives in theaters the same day on March 7th.

Source: Total Film (via CBR)

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