Carlos Ghosn says that he will accept any condition to get out of bail | Auto Sports


Brazilian Carlos Ghosn, former president of Nissan, pledged on Monday to accept any condition of Japanese justice to leave prison on bail.

In a statement issued by Kyodo, Mr. Ghosn pledges to stay in Japan and to guarantee that he will cooperate with the authorities to persuade the court to grant bail, which had already been rejected by a Japanese court.

"I am still detained in the detention center 64 days after my incarceration, with no announced release date," Ghosn said in a statement released by a spokesman. "I promise to respect each of the conditions that the court can establish," he added.

  • Ghosn Arrest: What We Know Until Now

Ghosn's first bail application was dismissed by the Japanese court, which ruled that the accused could escape and the evidence was destroyed. Despite this refusal, the defense has filed a new application, which must be judged Monday.

"I will go to judgment not only because I am legally obliged to do so, but also because I am anxious to be able to defend myself for this, for myself and my family," Ghosn said.

The executive is accused by the Tokyo prosecutor of having hidden from the tax authorities millions of compensation that he received from Nissan and to have violated the trust of the company. company using corporate funds to cover personal losses in the financial market.

Among the conditions that Ghosn would be willing to accept to be released on bail, he had to hand over his pbadport to the authorities, not to communicate with witnesses or to appear every day in a place determined by the Tokyo prosecutor's office.

The Japanese court system allows the defense to file as many bail applications as it wants, but the country's judges generally do not grant this type of benefit to the court. l & # 39; accused.

Ghosn's lawyers anticipate that the new claim will be dismissed and believe that the client will be held in custody for six months until the start of his trial.

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