Cemig has 10 days to present his defense against Aneel's fine


RIO – Cemig will have ten days to present his defense in the lawsuit brought by the National Electric Power Agency (Aneel) for non-compliance in calculating the technical indicators of continuity of the Power supply service in 2016.

The company reported yesterday (2) that it had received a notice of infringement from the local authority, from worth R $ 12.4 million, for the irregularity and that she would appeal the decision.

In March, Value predicted that Aneel's technical field was in the final stages of evaluation of the technical continuity indicators of the 2016 and 2017 energy supply services reported by Cemig. At the time, the agency suspected irregularities in the indicators and a possible need to correct the figures.

The indicators are the Equivalent Interruption Time and Frequency by Unit of Consumption (DEC and FEC), which calculates the number of hours and hours that the electricity supply service was interrupted

At the time, Cemig had informed that the indicators "are inspected periodically according to the routine procedures of Aneel, as it is the case every year" and that the figures 2016 and 2017 "have met the limits set by the regulatory agency."

In an important fact released yesterday, Cemig added that "it will be appealed through administrative channels, based on an understanding that adequately calculates the DEC and FEC indicators Value concluded that after Cemig has filed its appeal in the case, the municipality will badyze the arguments of the company, to determine whether to keep the punishment. "The ENERGY COMPANY OF MINAS GERAIS – CEMIG ( "Cemig") is a member of the Board of Directors of the Company. , a public company with shares traded on the stock exchanges of São Paulo, New York and Madrid, in accordance with the Instruction of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. 358, dated January 3, 2002, as amended, informs the Securities and Exchange Commission, B3 SA – Brazil, Stock Exchange, Stock Exchange, its shareholders, the market in general and other interested parties that ANEEL (Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency) has published on its website, today ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################## , for the year 2016.

The notice of the offense determines the recal of the aforementioned indicators and the application of a fine of a total amount twelve million, four hundred ninety five thousand eighty ten centavos (R $ 12,495,000), with a turnaround time of 30 days after the decision in the last administrative appeal

Cemig informs that it will file an appeal through the administrative channels, on the basis of understanding that adequately calculates the CED and FEC indicators. "

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