is d. avoid over-indebtedness of service clients and reduce delinquency nce. "
" The central question is not being attacked, since the interest of overdraft, compared to the interests of the economy itself [taxa Selic] are extremely high, "explains the economist Gilberto Braga, professor of finance at Ibmec and Fundação Dom Cabral. (19659004) In practical terms, explains the Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban), the overdraft works as a reserve the customer can use in case of emergency and an unexpected expense, without having to resort to the bank, since the line is pre-approved. "It's precisely because of these features that interest rates are higher than long-term rates," he says.
"Explain to me how you charge more than 20% interest a month if the Selic rate is 6.5% a year? Banks charge more in a month than the benchmark rate in a year. Nothing justifies, and no country in the world does, "asks Newton Marques, professor of economics at the University of Brasilia (UnB) and member of the Regional Economic Council of the Federal District [19659004]. changes to the overdraft rules in order to avoid a stronger regulatory action of BCB that could affect the spread, which is the difference between what banks pay in the fundraiser and what they charge when & # 39; They grant a loan to a natural or legal person.
One of the key measures that come into effect is the cost-effective automatic down payment offer for consumers who have used more than 15% of the available limit on the overdraft for 30 consecutive days. The offer will be made in the relational channels and the client decides to adhere to the proposal. If you do not agree, a new contact should be established every 30 days. In order not to confuse the customers, the banks will separate the current account balance and the overdraft limit available in the bank statement.
According to Gilberto Braga, professor at Ibmec, these initiatives should help customers of troubled banks, but will also have a positive impact on the profitability of the financial system. "When the bank proposes a control mechanism like this, it mitigates the risk of receipt, but also the loyalty to the customer in a long-term operation."
Credit democratize
According to Gilberto Braga, in an economy characterized by extreme social inequality and income distribution, credit is a fundamental element of development, especially for the poorest population and the middle clbad.To reduce the interest of overdraft, it suggests rates personalized for each customer, which would benefit good payers.
"The cost of credit is expensive even for those who pay on time. Overdraft interest rates can be negotiated freely between the client and the bank, based on specific risk profiles, by badyzing the individual profile, just like car insurers when calculating the value of the policy, in taking into account "
According to Newton Marques, the high concentration of the banking system in the country also prevents an effective reduction of tariffs practiced." In addition to a more effective action by the Central Bank against the rates of "in the country". atrocious interests, it would be crucial to open the market to competition in the credit sector, so I wanted to see the banks charge so expensive to lend. "financial point of view
Another point stressed by economists is the lack of a financial education policy that starts early.
"The person who owes the overdraft, in general, is already out of financial control and has lost the ability to pay. There may be a requirement on who intends to take credit for financial education training, as happens with the driver who has the CNH to suspend and must take a refresher course to re-drive ", Newton said Marks, a professor at UnB [19659004Pourl'économisteGilbertoBragalepointdedépartdevraitêtrel'écoleelleyourself:"Ilestfondamentald'introduirel'éducationfinancièredansleprogrammegénéraldel'éducationdupaysIlyabeaucoupdegensinstruitsquinesaventpascommentfaireunerègledetroisoucalculerunintérêtsimpledeschosesabsolumentindispensablesdansunesociétéàmédiationmonétaire"
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