Vitamin D is essentially removed from the sun's rays. In spite of this, some foods contain amounts that can help to reach the amounts indicated by the World Health Organization (WHO). A few minutes of sun exposure are essential for the daily intake of this nutrient
. It is extremely important because it helps with the absorption of calcium through the digestive system, thus fighting osteoporosis and rickets. Vitamin D strengthens bones, teeth and some research link it to muscle mbad gain and prevention of multiple sclerosis.
Recommended daily dose of vitamin D
All foods rich in vitamin D are of animal origin and the amount indicated for a healthy adult is on average 15 mcg per day, while older people need 20 mcg / day.
However, some research indicates that the amount of vitamin D ingested daily should be 10 times greater. Some studies corroborate this finding
A survey in Finland indicates that as soon as the recommendation for a daily dose of vitamin D decreased in the mid-1960s, the number of cases of type 1 diabetes in that country increased by 350%. in children aged one to four in the following decades
It was not until 2006, when the value was readjusted and the authorities began to fortify dairy products with added vitamin D, which has stabilized diabetes cases.
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