Civil police suspect a feminicide about a fire in a north wing apartment


Veiguima Martins was found charred inside the property. Her husband died after inhaling large amounts of smoke. The fire that occurred in a block 310 apartment in the north wing in the early hours of this Wednesday (30), may have been a feminicide. The civilian police say that he does not know yet whether the death of Veiguima Martins, aged 56, has occurred before or after it was triggered by the flames. Her husband, 80-year-old José Bandeira da Silva, died as a result of cardiac arrest due to inhaled smoke. The couple is disputed a few minutes before the start of the fire. Family members do not believe that the fire was accidental.

On site, the climate is powerless. "He killed her, we tried to help her drop it but we could not," said the niece of the victim, Carolline Martins Victor, 23 years old. "He was possessive and jealous, she suffered a lot, we talked to her a number of times to get out of this situation," she says. The family member thinks that the situation could have been avoided. "My aunt was a very good person, we were very close, she should not have been there," he laments.

Veiguima was retired due to disability by the DF Education Department. She had been married to José Silva for 10 years. Families point out that the couple's antecedents at that time were fights. "He was badaulting her, my mother had already complained once, but she fell asleep and withdrawn," says the victim's daughter, Raquel Martins Fagundes.

Relatives say that Veiguima was already suffering from her husband's badault. Veiguima denounced her husband for domestic violence in March of last year, second delegate Laercio Rosseto, 2nd police station (Asa Norte) History of aggression

. After that, they told the parents that the victim had tried to leave Jose, but that less than a week had pbaded, the man had called, saying that he was very sick. "She came back with pity for him because she was a very good person for everyone," says her niece Carolline.

Another niece of Veiguima, Daniella Martins, 23, believes that the fire was not accidental. "As soon as we learned what had happened in the apartment, we did not doubt that he would have killed her," she said sadly.

The room where the fire occurred is destroyed. According to delegate Laércio Rosseto, the body of the husband was injured and blood would have flowed into the apartment. Civilian police investigate to determine if Veiguima died before or after the fire. His body was found charred in one of the rooms of the residence, while Joseph was lying in the kitchen. He came to seek help from the fire department, but died as a result of a cardiac arrest.

The civilian police say that it is necessary to wait for the sentence to find out what has actually happened. In the meantime, delegate Rosseto has already declared "99% chance of being feminicide".

The neighbors heard by the police say that the couple would argue around 3 am. The fire occurred a few days after the fight. "Another episode of femicide at DF", deplores the delegate. One of the nieces of the victim also leaves a message. "All women who experience this situation at home need to get rid of their fate and not be afraid, because the worst can happen.look what happened to my aunt," says Carolline.

Fire services arrived at the scene around 4 am Ten vehicles were moved, one aeromedical and 50 military to contain the fire, which lasted about 15 minutes.

Experts remove the body of the victim in the north wing. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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