This is for anyone who keeps saying "Come, meteor!" Comet 46P / Wirtanen has reached the point closest to the sun's orbit and will pbad near Earth on Sunday (16), a few hours after sunset. He even wears a pretty name: "the comet of Christmas" since it seems to announce the Christmas celebration. a small asteroid, that is, a smaller space rock.
The approach of the planet will be 11.5 million kilometers, about 30 times the distance Earth-Moon. Although it seems quite far from the Earth point of view, when we consider distances in space, it will pbad very close. Astronomers from the University of Maryland, United States, have made the calculations and consider that it is the tenth largest approach of a comet on Earth in the United States. modern era
If you are worried, you can relax. Professor Eduardo Arnauld Cypriano of the Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences of the University of São Paulo (USP) explained to USP Radio that the celestial body will not affect the planet.
It will not cause any problem for life. on Earth or for electronic equipment
The comet is named after its discoverer, the American astronomer Carl Wirtanen, and, according to Cypriano, has a short orbital period of 5.4 years.
For anyone who wants to try to observe the pbadage of the comet, the teacher gives the hint:
It will be visible near the Constellation of Taurus
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