Companies monitor behavior in social networks to hire or fire; see care | Competition and employment


Social networks have become a showcase, through which we can follow what people do, think or share. At the same time, it can be a component for anyone who is exposed in the virtual environment without measuring the consequences. And in this territory where there is no division between public and private, employers and recruiters look at what the professionals share and the possible repercussions that can be generated.

This month, a Latam employee was fired after participating in a video with other Brazilians embarrbading women during the Russian Cup.

Labor lawyers heard by G1 claim that the misuse of social networks may give up, even for valid reasons – read more here.

According to Carolina Terra, a researcher and consultant in the field of digital communication, companies are looking at profiles, not only by monitoring them directly, but by receiving complaints from people who see inappropriate content.

"People talk bad about the boss in the social network, but not in his face, because they have the nickname of being protected, but in fact they are very exposed and that logically brings in consequences, "he says. , everyone is not aware of the consequences of hyperexposure on social networks (Photo: Social Archives) "title =" For Carolina Terra, not everyone is aware of the consequences of hyperexposure on social networks. / jpeg; base64, / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAAmABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGgAAAQUBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwAEBQYHCP / EABgBAAMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECBAUD / 9oADAMBAAIQAxAAAAHlp4HeicDHKtWUGutwaGjUYTSDywyFFSXlfHyQT // EACAQAAEEAQQDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAQIEBQYSExYRFBX / 2gAIAQEAAQUCaKHVmWLwW1MtNhcukjj4jJnX1TAxGXJvveV0a3KF0PEjaWtXH6yFWJZIkq1tg tgshkA3PYiv / 8QAHREBAAEDBQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQACERIDBBATIf / aAAgBAwEBPwGinJ42OKqzWTsqtBt6Rn // xAAcEQEAAQQDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABIQACEBEDBDL / 2gAIAQIBAT8BudEY6oStcnt1RGP / xAApEAACAQMBBwMFAAAAAAAAAAABAhEAAwQxEBITFCJCUSAhI0FScZGh / 9oACAEBAAY / AqJVGYDWB6LyJbMhjcZo / s06eDG3HwUeLKgTHd + + f3TE6kCdgUY7 3d91Cy5CvpE0Mjg3dxgCIH0rQ1kXBnOtuW6eI2lN8StMisG1zdzlt4Dhb / THiIrQ1 // EAB8QAAICAgIDAQAAAAAAAAAAAAERACFBYVHxECBxgf / aAAgBAQABPyGF09SYvR3KWAUnWhDnE2NwomaCSZuxsmQmc0FyV41mcIR218iFIwUSvwwRjtDIMd oY4NACBMaQKlaIChLFFjIhmtIWiOyn / 9oADAMBAAIAAwAAABDujVWF3 // EABsRAQEAAwADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAERACExEFGx / 9oACAEDAQE / ENEsxprDLKSX3vmObiv3EYkTx EABoRAQEBAQADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAERACExUaH // / // 2gAIAQIBAT8QSwu4l10lJPuJ6Vc1Ucd87 EACAQAQEAAgMAAQUAAAAAAAAAAAERACExQVFhEJGhwfD / 2gAIAQEAAT8QtgQiUwIVWfG800y8JeML9JeDRUXdFPEN77qDtcgsftMjzCt8xbQYAkUyui6AHFjkxE4F / BkfOKd60KnsViSVD1ysSGBwgpQ4HvGc1Mx6Rjad Carolina For Terra, everyone n & # 39; is not aware of the consequences of & # 39; hyperexposition on social networks (F (1996)). For Carolina Terra, not everyone is aware of the consequences of hyperexposure on social networks (Photo: Social Records) "data-src =" / 0x0

For Carolina Terra, please click here to view the full version of this article. (Photo: Social Records)

Luciana Tegon, a consultant specializing in the recruitment, selection, outplacement and replacement of executives, points out that professionals are also evaluated in a personal setting. "We want to understand a bit about what this candidate is doing who can become an employee in the company," he says.

According to her, recruiters look for profiles on social networks when the candidate arrives at the final stage, which is the interview with the employer.

"In some cases, profiles in social networks are worth defining criteria for a person to be hired or thrown away."

According to her, in the face-to-face interview, it is possible to see what the candidate wants to cross, but there is always another side that does not count, and in social networks, it is possible to know his personal side.

Tool for Good and Evil

Head coach Luciana Tegon says that social networks can also bring benefits to those who know how to profit from it.

According to her, people engaged in volunteering, in animal NGOs, in clothing campaigns, in sports, in gardening, are appreciated by the labor market, who consider positive what they do. when they are outside the company.

  Luciana Tegon guides people looking for a job to make a good comb in their social networks because they can define the candidate's choice for the job well on their social networks because they can define the choice of the candidate for the vacancy (photo: personal archives)   Luciana Tegon guides those looking for a job to make a good comb in their social networks, because they can define the candidate's choice for work Luciana Tegon guides those looking for a job to make a good comb in their social networks, as they can define the candidate's choice for the job (Photo: Personal Archive)

Luciana Tegon guides the people looking for a job to make a good comb in their social networks, since they can define the candidate's choice for the post (

Luciana tells the case of a secret Bilingual area that excelled in the selection process because, in her social network, she showed her volunteer work in a retirement home. "The social network is a tool that can be used for good or for bad."

According to Carolina, the display of the content service provider is always well seen. "Being a conservator of information in the segment that the professional is part of is going to make people follow him," he says.

The executive coach recommends anyone looking for a job who reviews his messages on the networks and makes the necessary adjustments (see tips below).

Luciana tells the story of a candidate who had an excellent curriculum, fluency in three languages ​​and a long professional experience. But for the last six years, he had traded three times, which proved that he was an unstable professional. This argument has been proven when recruiters have verified their behavior on social networks. According to her, he had no action with alcohol and frequented places that did not fit the function that he would perform in the company. He was not hired.

"We look at all things, what research shows, whether it has adequate or inadequate behavior," he summarizes.

Carolina suggests, in the latter case, to have two profiles – a professional and a staff. "In the staff speaks what you want and private guard, and in the professional only deals with issues related to employment or career segment," he recommends.

Employee Watching

Ivan Paganotti, professor of social media etiquette and professor of professional journalism, says that companies are actively monitoring employees' participation in social networks because of concerns about reputation and information security, and they usually tell you that they do it.

This procedure, according to him, is to avoid that crisis situations come from their exposure in social networks, and already warns that these behaviors can be sanctioned.

"If the company identifies a bad position, even without causing greater repercussions, it can punish the employee with a warning or take a bias, by acting preventively," he says.

He cites as an example the case of an employee of the Starbucks coffee chain, accused of racism in the United States for having called the police to two consumers without consumption for a long time. Guests complained of being discriminated against because they were black. "The company had to react collectively and gave training courses to employees against discrimination," he says. [Photo: Lucy Nicholson / Reuters] Starbucks worries about reputation after rebounding the link between business and racism (Photo: Lucy Nicholson / Reuters) [src]: image / jpeg; base64, / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAAQABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGQAAAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABgcAAwQF / 8QAFgEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAID / 9oADAMBAAIQAxAAAAFalqtKMayzq3AT / 8QAHRAAAgEEAwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwQFAAECBhEVFv / aAAgBAQABBQLTnQJSM5F8v2jG8z9fIUovi1WeyXsEmzgK56Q1f EABkRAAIDAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAyEiUf // / // aAAgBAwEBPwFdInW2f EABoRAAICAwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECAAMRISP / 2gAIAQIBAT8BsXUuDBuYzP / EACMQAAEEAQQBBQAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAgMREhMhIjI1QnKBk6H / 2gAIAQEABj8CbJMx0 / pouwiPuKkdHi5rjkCNhXym6eA1BxjkPel44 / YEc5BE6OtOD93Ka3jIWGrrZwQljhMBDaa3K11X / 8QAHhABAQACAgIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAREhMQBBEJF RYfD / 2gAIAQEAAT8hAqybBtoOAzO0OW92wUUbHUa8fhfSyugmmZz4f QbfGanQONbV + + ++ uUzadhzH2 apJbJijAuQbz93n / 9oADAMBAAIAAwAAABCEb // EABoRAQEAAgMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAERAFFh4fH / 2gAIAQMBAT8QUUa8yrZN47z / xAAaEQEBAAIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABEQBBUb Hh / 9oACAECAQE / EEZOT3IyKbp0mf / EAB4QAQEBAAIBBQAAAAAAAAAAAAERIQAxQWGRwdHw / 9oACAEBAAE / ECDLweDonFhopIcm3dtDxgDZAB2TCKVmIJss8ZGIWc / dfPHnRC9JQOiVVoIEcBQUtCjE72j5A9JADIyYYQJx0DRduev9 / WB8 / 9k = "/>   Starbucks worried about the impact reputation after call (Photo: Lucy Nicholson / Reuters)" data-src = "https: / / "Starbucks worries about reputation after rebounding the link between business and racism" Starbucks worries Star Wars Starbucks Starbucks Starbucks Starbucks Starbucks Starbucks Starbucks Starbucks Starbucks Starbucks Starbucks Starbucks Starbucks Starbucks Starbucks Starbucks Starbucks Starbucks Starbucks Starbucks Starbucks Starbucks Starbucks reputation after repercussion linking the company to racism (Photo: Lucy Nicholson / Reuters) </span> </p>
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Another case was that of the hosting services company Localwe b, in 2010, whose employee spoke badly of a football team in social networks and was precisely the team sponsored by the company. He has just been fired. "This case shows how the crisis of the company's reputation can stem from employee participation in social networks.It is difficult to separate the life of the supporter from that of the employee," he explains.

Paganotti recounts another case of an employee who was warned to have sent a professional email to her husband with information about motel promotions. </ p> <p> 39; business is that she used professional email for an "unorthodox" business. "She only sent it to her husband, but the company understood that this could cause some sort of difficulty to the future, "he explains.

Other common cases are employee photos on social networks consuming a competing product.

  According to Ivan Paganotti, the public is more and more often placed by companies, which shows that it is difficult to separate r the privacy of the professional. (Photo: Daniele Gross)   For Ivan Paganotti, the public has charged a positioning of companies with more frequency, which shows that it is difficult to separate the private life of the professional. (Photo: Daniele Gross)

According to Ivan Paganotti, the public is becoming more and more based on the business, which shows that it is difficult to separate the private life from the professional life . (Photo: Daniele Gross)

Paganotti explains that in addition to follow-up, companies are training, putting in place a code of conduct and ethics and rules of good practice in social networks. those who do not have them, look at their competitors who have done wrong and act preventively. "

For the etiquette professor in social networks, the public was more often positioned by companies, which shows that it is difficult to separate the private life of the professional.

" People are looking for where the professional works to demand punishment, and the companies serve it, so the responsibility lies with the employees who have done wrong and not with the company, "he explains.

There are cases where Companies feel disabled, even if the behavior is not related to the work of the professional or the company.This includes the case of the Latam employee who was fired. a way for the company to make it clear that this kind of attitude will not be tolerated, "he says.

Carolina argues that companies have an internal employee-centric social media policy that shows the behavior that the company expects from them [19659018] "It can act of document, video, be in the employment contract that, by committing an act of prejudice, defamation and slander in the networks, the company reserves to not want this employee", he says.

"We are not only individuals in the social network, it is also legal, it represents the company in which we work," says the consultant in the field of digital communication. Earth, people do not see the border between business and virtual, and because they can not cope with this hypervisibility, they end up paying for it.

"If they spoke at the bar, they would have consequences, but the social network is exacerbated, and they do not measure the consequences of their actions." In the past, he could have brought an action. it had been made public, but with the social network, the whole world sees and condemns this inconsistent act, "he says.

For Paganotti, everyone must have the impression that today there is no division between professional and staff, neither public nor private. And because there is no way to control criticism, you must accept the fact that people can expose their discomfort to certain behaviors.

"Being aware of how networks work can behave responsibly, and remembering past experiences that have caused problems means that people find the best way to expose themselves," he says.

For Carolina Terra, no one else tolerates prejudices, slander or slander. "Whoever made this joke in the Russian Cup did not imagine that he could spin the world. But it was good to warn the consequences of an unthinking act, "he says.

See below 16 Paganotti, Carolina and Luciana's advice:

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