Confirmed the presence of the bacteria responsible for bubonic plague in São Gonçalo | Maricá Info


A 57-year-old woman hospitalized at Luiz Palmier Hospital in São Gonçalo was diagnosed with the presence of the bacterium Yersinia pestis, responsible for bubonic plague

. The woman is isolated to prevent the spread of the problem. The city of São Gonçalo said there was no risk of epidemic. The suspicion of the disease appeared after a microbiology examination performed at the hospital unit.

The woman was admitted to the central emergency on December 22 for heart failure and was transferred to the hospital where she was admitted. the standard procedure for taking oral, nasal, bad and skin samples as it has a sore on the leg.

The examinations will be reevaluated by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), which can define the diagnosis of women. The patient is treated with antibiotics. A blood collection was also carried out. The result should be published next weekend

Bubonic plague is a disease caused by a bacterium known as Yersinea pestis. It is transmitted by the flea bite. The flea infects rodents, who transmit us the disease.

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