The banner of the January 2019 tariff is green, which means that the consumer will not have to pay extra the first month of next year. According to the agency, it is because "the rainy season causes an increase in the production of energy by hydroelectric power stations and the level of [reservoirs"CelarepresentsahydrologicalprotectionpresenceandmaintainsthePLD(PriceSettlementPriceofDifferences)innewout
In December Consumers again failed to pay the surcharges after seven consecutive months of collection. . Last month with the surcharge, in November, the tariff flag was yellow, which raised the light bill by R $ 0.01 (one cent) for every kilowatt-hour consumed.
The previous five months were even more expensive. With the red level 2 flag, the consumer had to pay R $ 0.05 (five cents) for every kilowatt-hour kWh consumed – the highest supplement in the system.
Know each of the tariff indicators: [19459004
The green flag: indicates favorable conditions of production of energy and the accounts of the light do not undergo any increase;
Red flag 1: More expensive energy production conditions result in an increase in commas of R $ 0, 03 (three cents) for each kilowatt hour kWh consumed, and;
Red Flag 2: even more expensive production conditions that increase bills by R $ 0.05 (five cents) for every kilowatt hour kWh consumed.
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