Convention at TRT puts an end to the strike at the Ford plant in Taubaté, SP | Vale do Paraíba and region


After a three-day judgment, an agreement reached Thursday (24) by the Regional Labor Court (TRT) ended the workers' strike at the Ford plant in Taubaté, in the state from São Paulo. An badembly with the workers at the entrance of the second round sealed the blow.

The combination in the TRT predicts that the metalworkers' union and the automaker will negotiate alternatives for surplus employees of the unit. The possible reversal of the 12 layoffs and the payment of the agreed days will also be negotiated.

Negotiations must be held until February 8, and then approved by the workers until the 12th of the same month.

The shutdown began last Monday (21) after the factory layoffs. At the time, Ford claimed that the goal was "to adjust production volumes because of the decline in exports to Argentina and the end of the supply of engines and engines. transmissions to Mexico in 2019. "

The company has already confirmed that it has a surplus of 350 employees. The unit, which employs 1,300 people, produces engines and transmissions in Taubaté.

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