Couple is shot on the yellow line on Friday night


Caroline de Assis Martins, 24, and Alexandre Leal (age unknown) were shot on the yellow line Friday night. The couple returned from the supermarket when he was surrounded by a car with a man who received 11 shots. The man responsible for the crime was Caroline's ex-boyfriend, 43-year-old Paulo Henrique Goulart Nobrega, with whom the victim maintained a relationship for a year and four months.

Caroline took three shots and Alexander two. The couple is hospitalized at the Lourenço Jorge Hospital in Barra da Tijuca, west area of ​​Rio.

According to one of Caroline's relatives, Paulo would not have settled for the end of the relationship six months ago and would, since then, have been chasing and threatening the ex, his family and, recently, the current boyfriend. The witness stated that the reason for the end of the dating would be the physical badaults she suffered from the ex.

– He threatened Caroline's family. Once upon a time the police requested a protective measure, but nothing was done. Even the son of his current boyfriend was bullied. One day, Paul came to arm his house and threatened the entire family – adds the witness, adding that the victim was shortly before the crime at the police station to complain about a threatened phone call that the ex would have done for her the day before it happened.

The same family member also said that Caroline's parents told him about leaving Rio for safety.

The Globe had access to the record (# 0020162-57.2018.8.19.0203) that Caroline asked for preventive measures against Paul, but had a negative response from Justice. Here is an excerpt from the document:

"I accept the reasons of the Public Prosecutor's Office and INDEFIRO for the required protective measure, since the elements that set it in motion are not present, namely: fumus boni juris et periculum in mora, and proof of materiality and paternity, notify the victim (s), by mail, etc. It is understood that any new fact must be immediately communicated to the police authority, victim (s) can be served by the Office of the Public Defender, who defends the interests of the woman or is a lawyer, and has a period of 10 (ten) days to appeal.

L & # 39, case was registered at the 32nd DP, Taquara, in the western zone of Rio.

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