07/07/2018 to
Updated on 07/07/2018 in
Several neighborhoods in the northern and northwestern areas of Curitiba – including Boa Vista, Cabral, Bacacheri, Barreirinha, Santa Felicidade, São Braz and part of Pilarzinho, besides the Cachoeira district, in Almirante Tamandaré and part of Colombo, in the metropolitan area – were without electricity in the late afternoon and early evening of Friday (6).
Copel said that about 130,000 consumer units were without electricity. The company says that there was a problem at the Pilarzinho post. The situation, according to the company, was normalized at 18:57 on Friday, after at least an hour and a half of oscillations.
The problem was caused by a balloon hitting a wire. There was no fire, but the contact caused a short on the net.
In a note, Copel states that 80,000 consumer units recovered energy first and 50,000 later. "Regarding the absence of energy complaints from neighborhood consumers in the northern region of Curitiba, COPEL informs that the interruption of supply was due to a detected malfunction in the Pilarzinho substation, which extended to Santa Felicidade and Bacacheri substations Around 18:00, about 130,000 units of consumption were left without electricity, "says Copel
Residents of the affected neighborhoods report that there was a "In Pilarzinho, he came back for a few minutes and finished again," said veterinarian Vanessa Cabral, there are reports of people who have already had the situation. standardized in Santa Cândida, Tamandaré and Colombo in the metropolitan area Abranches and Ahú, which are neighborhoods of this region (north), are in the normal situation.