12/08/2018 to
4:13 pm
Updated the 08/12/2018 at
President-elect Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) said Saturday (8) that he regretted the fight between the elected deputies of the PSL to lead the acronym to the Chamber of Deputies (FSLN). .
The conflict involves Joice Hbadelman and the other Eduardo Bolsonaro, son of the elected president, and the elected senator, Major Olímpio.
"The PSL is a relatively new party, and if we start to be disunited, it is difficult for us to get a majority in parliament to approve what matters to Brazil," Bolsonaro said in a statement. # 39; an event at the Naval Academy
WhatsApp, Eduardo Bolsonaro, current chief of the court in the House, accused the member of having "trampled" the co-religionists, called her "sona" and claimed that she had "the glory of the mad".
The member responded by saying that the fact that the current group leader is the son of the president is a "component" and can harm the party. Joice even said that the coreligionary should put himself in his place and insinuate that, for reasons of notoriety, that Eduardo could be worse.
Bolsonaro did not mean when he will announce the future Minister of the Environment.
"It is not allowed for a PCH [pequena hidrelétrica] to take ten years to duplicate a path taking a decade." We do not want to hurry or harm the environment But the delay is quite … "