Dams in Brumadinho and 8 others in Vale's MG have been in the attention zone since last year, says deputy | Minas Gerais


The Public Prosecutor's Office of Minas Gerais stated that in addition to the dam I of the Córrego do Feijão mine, in Brumadinho, in the metropolitan area of ​​Belo Horizonte, which collapsed on 25 January, Dam IV, also at Brumadinho, and eight other dams. from Vale are in the area of ​​attention (Alarp area) and the miner was aware since last October.

The deputy also said that this information was contained in documents annexed to the public civil action proposed by the agency after the Vale disaster in Brumadinho.

The prosecution's action even motivated the court's decision that banned Vale from throwing tailings into eight other state dams, including the Laranjeiras Dam in the Brucutu Complex, the largest of Minas Gerais. .

The seven other dams are:

  • Menezes II, at Brumadinho;
  • Captain of Mato, Dique B and Taquaras, in New Lima, in the metropolitan area;

According to the Member, "all active dams are located in areas close to urban centers and people reside / transit in the valley area downstream of the dam, at a distance corresponding to the area of ​​the dam. time of arrival of the flood (mud) equal to thirty minutes or 10 km. "

The agency said that after meeting the problem last week in the upper dam south of the Gongo Soco mine in Barão de Cocais, in the central region of Minas Gerais, she will try to include it in the action.

In the court's preliminary ruling, the Crown was of the view that Vale was not following a series of measures.

In a note to Vale, "its governance ensures autonomy and functional independence, so that its local experts, who are in charge of the direct operational management of the dam, act diligently and efficiently, and therefore when they identify a scenario imminent or not, these professionals have a duty to act in accordance with the procedures described in the Dam Operations Manual and / or the Mining Dam Emergency Plan (PAEBM), as appropriate ".

The miner also stated that "no report, reward or study indicates a risk of imminent collapse of Dam I from the Córrego do Feijão mine at Brumadinho." the dam had all the certificates of stability and safety certified by national and international experts. "

He also stated that the Brumadinho dam" was within the risk limit parameterized according to the concept of ALARP ( area of ​​attention), recognized worldwide ".

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