247 – MP André Moura (PSC-SE), head of government Temer in Congress, appoints friends and relatives in public companies. He told lawyers, his cousin and a former beauty salon for Dataprev, the provider of state-owned technology solutions and processing of social security payments.
"Dataprev, a public company providing technology solutions to the federal government and processing Brazilian pension payments was handed over to Congress Chief André Moura (PSC-SE) and became a workstation occupied by indications The positions of trust in Sergipe, where the company has only a small office, no system development unit or data center, were filled by patrons of Moura, a pre-candidate for Senate by the State
Two of these commissioners are direct advisers to the president of Dataprev, André Leandro Magalhães, receive a salary of R $ 18.9 million, live in Aracaju and do not have to pay any taxes. not appear in Brasilia, where the president gives a brief, as they admitted in an interview with GLOBO.They are still in Sergipe even after the president of Dataprev signed in January this year the trans fert of both Aracaju in Brasilia. The change in the names of employment comes after the bad internal repercussions engendered by the fact that the president – also a political indication of the head of the government – had two full-fledged advisers in the state of André Moura. "
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