Daughter of Giovanna Ewbank and Bruno Gagliasso, Títi appears dressed as a girl from the countryside in a photo: "Princess"


Giovanna Ewbank and Bruno Gaglibado melt their supporters by sharing a photo of their daughter, Títi, who celebrated 5 years at a celebrity party, dressed as a character for a June party. "Hello to my princess hickory!" He wrote to youtuber in the legend of the publication. The actor chose an excerpt from the song "Garota de Ipanema" to post it: "Oh, if she knew / That when she pbades / The smiling world fills up for free / And it becomes more beautiful because of the l & # 39 "love"

Lindeza de Deus: poster with Títi's photo receives hundreds of compliments

The followers of Giovanna Ewbank and Bruno Gaglibado filled in the comments messages praising the girl. "Doll," said a disciple. "Mini diva," another said. "Lindeza of God," wrote a user. A fan again emphasized a detail in the girl: "And this mouth, my God?"

"Heart-wrenching Love," says Giovanna Ewbank in Títi

Giovanna ewbank used her Instagram to show that she would not need a gloss . declare yourself to her daughter for her birthday. Before you I thought I knew what it was like to love, but nothing that I ever felt in this life came to meet that love, that I 'd like to say. love, my love, my love, my love. I will always be at your side for everything that comes and goes … to love you, support you, protect you, guide you!

During her participation in the program "Conversa com Bial", Giovanna Ewbank and Bruno Gaglibado claimed that Títi knows how to use the word "on their adoption and their country of origin." We have told her story since we were the youngest ones. "She tells us" She tells us my story, "she told us." We tell you how it was, the meeting, "added Gaglibado. that the girl was curious about the African country: "She knows that she is from Malawi, she has a great desire to leave so much as we speak."

"Teach my daughter how to defend himself "Bruno Gaglibado on cases of racism against Títi

In the interview, Bruno Gaglibado also commented on the lawsuits he's leading for racist statements against Títi on social networks." first has already been settled: the judge has determined the sentence and the girl will have to pay for this it's done, and now there is a [processo] event and I want justice done. to teach my daughter and she is learning to defend herself. That's the least I had to do as a father, as a human being.Can not cheap.Any decent person can not let that happen because people get used to it .After the arrival of my daughter I realize how ignorant I was about this subject ", he declared

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