Day and night in less than 1h! A sky "crazy" and the possibility of heavy rains are fearing a beautiful horizon


In the district of Santo Antônio, the sky has darkened and is cleared up in less than an hour (BHAZ)

The Civil Defense of Belo Horizonte warns against the possibility of rain until the end of the afternoon of this Friday (7) and during the weekend in the capital. Since the beginning of the morning, the city is on alert because of the risks of rain showers.

For the weekend, the trend is to increase precipitation, especially on Saturday (8). At BHAZ, Anete Fernandes, of the National Institute of Meteorology (INMET), said: "Saturday will be very rainy and thunderstorms.We will have a few moments of opening [de sol] .The possibility is of late blows. During the day, it may rain at any time. "The thermometers should range from 15 to 24 ° C.

Sunday (9), the trend is at the opening of time because of the arrival of a high-pressure system. "There will be risks of isolated rain, but nothing worrying at first," he said.

Anete also indicates that at this time of year, due to the availability of moisture, there are areas of instability. "We realize that it's raining and that the weather is coming soon, and this opening encourages the formation of new clouds that generate more precipitation, which is normal in spring and summer." he says.

Temperature change

Data from the Cercadinho station indicate that there was a variation of 12.2ºC between 16h and 22h yesterday, rising from 30.8ºC to 18.6ºC. . The meteorologist says that this is due to the lack of radiation and the rain itself. "Yesterday, we had rain, gusts of wind and, therefore, the lack of radiation, so we suffered this sudden drop," he said.

7:12 am – The cold front contributes to increased instability and will cause precipitation (30 to 50 mm), with lightning and gusts of wind (50 km / h). Valid until 8am on Saturday (8).

More precipitation

In the administrative city, heavy rains fell at the beginning of the season.

– Civil Defense BH (@defesacivilbh) December 7, 2018 and has been registered. The images show the strength of the winds that reached the official seat of the government of the State of Minas Gerais

Rain in the administrative city in the early afternoon of Friday (7)
( Reproduction / WhatsApp)
In social networks, netizens comment on the rain recorded in Belo Horizonte since the night of the same month. December 7, 2018

The rain is currently falling on BH

The rain is falling on BH right now!

The rain falls on BH right now!

The clover of the belvedere! #DefesaCivil #deadodeminas @defesacivilbh @em_com @cbnbhz @radioitatiaia @ Radio98Oficial profile picture] Laryssa Naves (@laryssa_naves) ] December 7, 2018

my friend, the rain that falls here at bh n 'is not a joke

– (@oblitaevelit) on December 7, 2018 [19659017] He started a very strong rain here in the region of Savbadi #chuvaBH

– Ricardo Pinto #Galo (@ricardopintobh) on December 7, 2018

BH is not supported to receive l & # 39; rain event

– Gabi (@gabriele_cec) December 7, 2018

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