After Avengers – Infinite War, we are all extremely eager to know what will happen next and any clue about it causes tachycardia. For today, prepare the heart. It may be because the director of photography may have accidentally divulged the subtitle of Avengers 4.
Trent Opaloch feeds a professional website where he divulges works that he develops. There he put the cover of the next chapter of the Avengers franchise and we can see written 'Avengers: End Game'. Is it the subtitle of the film that comes around? ?
Another factor that reinforces the clue that it would really be the subtitle is the theory of fans who gained a lot of strength in the old days. According to her, the movie would call Avengers: End Game because of what Dr. Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) says in Infinite War: "We are at the end of the game."
But do not be too excited because the subtitle can be only temporary or used to deceive the curious. In any case, Kevin Feige – president of Marvel Studios – has already stated that the official title of the film should be confirmed in a few months, after the first teaser of Captain Marvel. But it is worth remembering that the film already has a marked start date, so just count the days and hours for May 2, 2019. Are you anxious?
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