Discover which are the 50 most developed municipalities of the South


In Brazil, the economic and social development of municipalities remains extremely unequal between the northern and southern halves of the country. This is the latest result of the Firjan Municipal Development Index (IFDM), released Thursday (28). Organized by the Federation of State Industries of Rio de Janeiro, based on 2016 data, the IFDM 2018 monitors social indicators in 5,471 municipalities, where live 99.5% of the Brazilian population . To compose the index, which has risen again after three years of decline, official statistics on health and basic education, such as school enrollment and infant mortality, as well as child care rates, are used. 39, employment and income.

In the ranking of the 500 most developed communes, according to the IFDM, are mainly the cities of Southeast (50%) and South (41%). Of the 5,471 communes monitored by the IFDM Brasil, Louveira, in the interior of São Paulo, remained in the lead for the second year in a row, with 0.9006. The city, home to multinationals, including DHL, was the only one to record an index higher than 0.9. The last, Ipixuna, in Amazonas, presented a score of only 0.3214, influenced by the worst score in health, due to lack of basic quality care. The Central West region occupies 7% of this list, while the Northeast occupies only eight positions among the top 500 MFIs in the country (1.6%).

Among the best cities in the South, Vale Real (photo), located in the Serra Gaúcha, tops the list (see the list of the top 50 below), followed by Apucarana (PR), Lajeado (RS), Toledo) and Concordia (SC). In the ranking of Firjan, there are 17 municipalities in Paraná, nine in Santa Catarina and 24 in Rio Grande do Sul. Among the capitals, only Florianópolis is in the exclusive ranking made by AMANHÃ, based on the results of Firjan. The capital of Santa Catarina is the 14th of the South, but also the 47th of the national list. Curitiba is in 74th position while Porto Alegre bitter 659th place.


RS RS RS RS RS RS 19659013] PR 0.8786 19659010] PR 0.8739
PR PR PR PR PR. PR. 19659018] 0.8646
10th 30th Rio
SC 0.8636
11º 36º Campo
RS RS RSV RSV RSV RS RS RS RS RSV RSV [19659045] Camboriú SC 0.8575
16th 51st Jandaia
PR RP 17º 54º Músum RS 0.8559
PR 0.8555 [19659025] 19º 57º Serafina
RS 0.8551
20th 58th Bento
RS 0.8548
21º 59º Carlos RS RS RS RS RS RS 19659018] 0.8541
24th 65th Sting
RS RS RSV RSV RSV RSV Rosa RS RS RS RSV RSV [19659091] Southern Cross RS 0.8502
29º 84º Francisco
PR PRC PRC PRC PRC [1969011] RS RS RS RS RS 0.8465
36º 98º Frederick.
RS RSI RSI RSI RSI RSI 19659018] 0.8458
39th 106th Itapejara PR PR PR PR PR RA PR 0.8442 110º Teutonia RS 0 , 8442
43º 112º Arroio
of the middle
RS 0,8439
44º 117º Roca RS RS RS RSI RSI RSI RSI 19659013] 0.8420
47th 121st New Black RP 0.8387
50º 131º São
Bento do Sul
SC 0.8385

see also

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