Dj Seen: Xiaomi Mi A1 Has Android 8.1 Oreo Distribution Suspended Due to Problems


The Xiaomi Mi A1 came on the market as the brand's first smartphone launched under the Android One program, which aims to provide a stock system, with faster updates on the platform.

test enough new versions of Android before releasing them for download, and the proof is that we have already seen the company suspend the distribution of problematic updates twice (1, 2) on Android 8.0 Oreo.

Now the company has just suspended the distribution of the new Android 8.1 Oreo in the model, through a series of problems caused to various users.

The first of these is related to the lack of support for the Treble project, which despite promises, has not been implemented in the version in question.

In addition, laptop owners reported the presence of a bug that completely erases the SMS history when the native application is removed from the

Another problem , incidentally, is linked to SatefyNet, which provides APIs that allow developers to check if the device is rooted, has a custom ROM, or contains malware.

We still do not know when the manufacturer will distribute Android 8.1 to the model, for now, we can only hope that the bugs are fixed and hope that the update will be distributed as soon as possible . [ad_2]
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