"I did not understand at the time, I released the door and I went out with the boy.We got there and found that the dog was curled up in the crate and that it was going to fall in. I went upstairs but the owner was not home.When I went down, the maid said that the dog had fallen and that He had hit her. "
The images of the security cameras show when the man accompanies the movement of the dog from the ground floor. He stands with his arms raised and stretched until Mel falls from the balcony and falls on him.
The body of João Augusto cushions the fall of the bitch, who runs away, while the boy remains on the ground.
"He was a little stunned by the weight of the dog and fell to the ground, she escaped happily because she was safe, I have been a guardian for years and I have never seen her Narciso explains.
John Augustus says that he heard the dog's insistent barking, crying and realized that something was wrong. When he looked out the window of the apartment where he lives, he saw the dog hanging and said that he was only thinking of trying to save her.
"I asked for a towel or sheet to help one way or another, but there was no time, and then she fell from the 9th floor I knew I would not be able to hold it, but I was aware that I could cushion the fall, "he says.
The animal hit the chest, arms and legs of the resident. According to physicist George Cardoso, Mel, who weighs five pounds, has reached a speed of about 50 km / h, causing an impact of 200 kilos on João Augusto. Despite the fear, both were not injured.
"I stayed on the ground for a few seconds, but it was a relief.I think I was in the right place at the right time.I did my best, doing my job. It was a joint action, with the concierge staff, who acted quickly, to help the dog.It was a happy ending, "he says.
After the accident, the mistress of Mel, who did not want to identify, installed protective nets on the balcony of the apartment.
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