<img clbad = "content-video__placeholder__thumb" src = "https : //s03.video.glbimg.com/x720/7264558.jpg "alt =" Doleiro Bruno Farina arrives in Brazil This year, following a request from the 7th Federal Court of Rio de Janeiro, he was wanted for crimes of active and pbadive bribery, money laundering, foreign currency evasion and for joining a criminal organization that managed $ 1.6 billion in 52 countries.
Doleiro prison in Paraguay: Interpol encircled Bruno Farina's house in a condominium building near Ciudad del Este and Foz do Iguaçu – Photo: Infographic: Karina Almeida / G1
Exchange of operation, cleared
the former governor of Rio de Janeiro, Sergio Cabral, Bruno Farina and Dario Messer were about the 62 denounced in the exchange operation, Offset, of the deployment of Lava Jato in Rio de Janeiro.
The group is accused of forming a criminal organization that has been promoting monetary fraud and money laundering since the 1990s. The Doleiros are believed to have transferred $ 1.6 billion in 52 countries.
Sérgio Cabral is in prison. Together, the sentences imposed on the former governor are 197 years and 11 months. Dario Messer is on the run.
In May, the operation arrested 30 people in four states and searched the real estate of suspects, including Messer and Farina real estate in Paraguay. At the time, they were not found, but the police seized computers, documents and credit cards.
According to the complaint of the Federal Prosecutor's Office (MPF), based on the award-winning gift of Cláudio Barboza treasurers, Tony, and Vinicius Claret, Juca Bala, it was possible to identify the existence of a sophisticated network of doleiros, in several states and abroad, who have spent significant amounts through numerical operations, through costed programs.
Employees provided the MPF with the "Bankdrop" system, allegedly used by the criminal organization, in which more than 3,000 relocations are related.
Tony and Juca Bala revealed that they were also using a system called ST, which functioned as an account. -current, where the information of its customers has been published.
According to MPF, Dario Messer, in collaboration with his collaborators Tony and Juca Bala, developed a complex parallel exchange network based initially in Brazil, then in Uruguay.
This complex network of doleiros was used by Sérgio Cabral, through brothers brothers Renato and Marcelo Chebar, to send resources abroad.
[19659026] Understand what? is "dollar-cape", operation used to hide money at bribes – Photo: Infographic: Juliane Monteiro / G1 "title =" This is an operation to to hide money at bribes – Photo: Infographic: Juliane Monteiro / G1 "data-src =" https://s2.glbimg.com/zJyRSi57hWydHFHnQgskOdcEjIY=/0x0:1600×3289/984×0/smart / filters: strip_icc () / i.s3.glbimg.com/v1/AUTH_59edd422c0c84a879bd37670ae4f538a/internal_photos/bs/2018/Q/6/Hwpo0aSiiHGioxTYokWQ/operacao-dolar-cabo-v4.png "/" dollar-cape ", operation used to hide money for bribes – Photo: Infographic: Juliane Monteiro / G1
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