Dragon Ball Heroes just released his first episode, but comes with sad news. Officially, it will only be in Japan, in other words, broadcast services will not have anime in its catalog, as was the case of Dragon Ball Super .
Now, speaking of the first episode, it's short, with about eight minutes, but we still do not know if the others will be like that. First of all, it is good to warn that we are going to enter the spoiler zone.
Spoilers Below
In the beginning, the episode begins with Goku and Vegeta carrying on with Whis on the Planet of Bills . The dispute ends up being interrupted by the May of the future. She tells the group that Trunks has disappeared. At this moment, the mysterious Fu seems to explain the situation.
He tells the Sayajins that they should go to Planet Prison if they want to save the son of Vegeta . Both accept and are transported to a place among the universes, where is the so-called planet prison . As soon as they arrive, they are greeted by Xeno Goku an alternative version of the hero who is one of the protagonists of Dragon Ball Heroes . It incorporates the Time Patrol and maintains order between dimensions.
However, unlike Goku of Dragon Ball Super Xeno Goku can take the form of Super Saiyajin 4. The protagonist of Super activates the form of Super Saiyajin Blue and a fast battle occurs between the two.
Shortly after the fast fight, Fu states that to save Trunks the heroes must gather the dragon spheres from the Planet Prison . With them only the son of Vegeta will be saved and the heroes will be able to return home. Many "condemned" of the planet possess the spheres. Xeno Goku already has a star. Villains as the King Cold father of Freeza and Bojack villain of any of Dragon Ball Z movies own the others . The episode ends showing the evil saiyajin Kanbaa and it seems that he follows the orders of Fu .
In short, the episode is short and brings only little action. Now that all the explanations have been given, phenomenal battles should occur from now on.
It should also be remembered that this story does not continue to Dragon Ball Super nor even to the canon of the animated series. It only serves to publicize the game of Heroes and bring some fancy fights. We will definitely keep an eye on the next episode.
After all, what did you think of the description of the episode? The story was what they were waiting for? Do you like to see the Super Saiyajin 4 and the Super Saiyajin Blue side by side? [Modifier] [modifier] [modifier] [ajouter un commentaire] [modifier] [ajouter un commentaire] [modifier] [ajouter un élément] 547, space: 5, speed: 40, view: 'mask', autoplay: 1, loop: true, precharge: 'all', overPause: true, fillMode: & # 39; fill & # 39; dir: & # 39; h); control ('arrows'), slider.control ('thumblist', {autohide: false, dir: 'v', speed: 20});
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